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Penarlag C.P. School

Penarlag C.P. School

Working together, learning for life and striving for excellence. Gweithio gyda’n gilydd, dysgu gydol oes ac ymdrechu am ragoriaeth.

Year 3's work for Children's Mental Health Week, week beginning 5th February 2024

For Children’s Mental Health Week year 3 were learning to recognise that their voices matter .They  discussed that children have a right to explain how they think or feel about something and how they could do this , for instance, contributing to curriculum design through pupil voice, suggesting ideas during different clubs. They then spoke about how everybody is unique and how this can be celebrated. Children shared ideas about their likes and dislikes and discussed if this was the same for everybody. Children then expressed themselves by completing all about me flower sheet.




Penarlag C.P School

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