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Penarlag C.P. School

Penarlag C.P. School

Working together, learning for life and striving for excellence. Gweithio gyda’n gilydd, dysgu gydol oes ac ymdrechu am ragoriaeth.

Gallery ( more photos in class pages, in 'children' section)

13th July 2024 attending Hawarden Carnival:

12th July 2024 Year 2 class assembly:

11th July 2024 Reception and Year 1 class assembly:

10th July 2024 Year 4 assembly for parents:

10th July 2024 Year 5 trip to Xplore:

5th July 2024 our summer fair:

4th July 2024 Year 5 show and tell session for their parents:

28th June, Nursery and their parents staying for lunch:

Race for Life July 2024:

International Delegation from China 24th June 2024:

Mrs Davies and Year 5  hosted an international delegation from China who were studying Science and Technology.

14th June 2024 Year 3 show and tell for parents:

7th June Year 2 attended World Ocean Day virtual assembly:

Year 2 attended a virtual assembly for World Ocean Day, linked to their topic 'Splash'.  They learnt how to be a a Good Blue Human and how to care for our planet. 

3rd June Year 5 Flight of the Quail Egg:

Today Blwyddyn 5 completed the flight of the quail egg challenge. Well done to Team RAF whose plane flew an average of 9.2m with the egg intact inside the aircraft. Well done everybody!

23rd May 2024 Music Evening:

Last Thursday we held our music evening. All the children who performed were fantastic. Thank you to Mrs Cass for organising the evening. 

22nd  May 2024 Don't Touch Tell workshops with all classes:

In the infants today, we had a 'Don't Touch Tell' workshop. The children learnt about how to keep safe if they ever find any medicines or needles

21st May 2024 Urenco workshop with Year 5:

Urenco came to school today to lead a workshop with Year 5 about materials. They were completing mini investigations to find out how uranium is separated before it can be sent on to be used at a nuclear power station. Urenco separate the uranium needed using a centrifuge system. Da iawn Year 5!

20th May 2024 Open the Book Assembly:

Thank you to Open the Book that came to lead our collective worship on Monday. The children really enjoyed it! They heard the story of Joseph and his brothers.

10th May 2024.  Reception and Year 1 enjoyed a well being afternoon outdoors:

9th May 2024. STEM Formula one workshop at Hawarden High School:

A group of Year 5 pupils went to Hawarden High School to take part in this workshop. They built their own vehicles thinking about aerodynamics and then raced them. Da iawn pawb!

7th May 2024. The RNLI visited Year 2 and 3 :

They talked to the children about how to keep safe in or near the water. The children learnt about the role of the RNLI and they really enjoyed  trying on the life jackets and helmet as well as practicing the starfish shape to use in the water.

7th May 2024. Year 5 are taking part in the 'Flight of the Quail Egg'project and have to design a plane to fly whilst safely carrying a quail egg:

24th April Year 3 attending First Experiences Musical Extravaganza at William Aston Hall:

Welsh Water workshop with Years 2 and 3 26th April 2024:

Wales Outdoor Learning Week, week beginning 22nd April 2024:

17th April 2024 Mewn Cymeriad:


Today Mewn Cymeriad came into school to perform Hanes Yr Iaith to Blwyddyn 5 and 6 where the learnt all about the history of the Welsh language.

Year 5 Microbits lesson 15th April 2024:

Today Blwyddyn 5 used Microbits to build algorithms and code. They coded a Step Counter to discover if the person in the class with the longest legs walked the fewest steps around the field. Da iawn pawb!

Year 5 and 6  STEM Junior Airbus Session 'Moon Lander Workshop'

Year 4 show and tell session 21st March 2024:

Year 3 class assembly 20th March 2024:

Da iawn to our Year 3 class for their fantastic assembly for their parents. And a big thank you to Miss Vaughan and Mrs Gray for helping them get ready for their assembly.

Year 6 show and tell for parents March 15th 2024:


Comic Relief 2024:

Children wore red or their pyjamas to school and gave a £1.50 donation to Comic Relief.

Year 1 took part in an NFUeducation live lesson on the farm:

World Book Day 2024:

What a great day we have had for World Book Day. Children and staff wore fantastic costumes and lots of special activities took place. Junior children read to our infant children, a book quiz was completed in assembly , children took part in a book swap and to end the day teachers swapped classes for a story. Thank you to everyone for all your wonderful costumes!

Saint David's Day 2024:


We have had a wonderful day celebrating Saint David's Day. We had our Eisteddfod this morning and each class performed an item. To finish the Eisteddfod the whole school performed a Welsh folk dance together!


The children had two Saint David Day competitions to enter: designing a mosaic and creating a love spoon.

Our Safety Awareness Week , week beginning 19th February 2024:

Year 1 learnt about keeping safe outdoors.

For our Safety Awareness Week ,Blwyddyn 2 were learning ways to keep safe in the home. They talked about the different rooms in their homes and possible dangers. The children created safety posters and other activities to show how to keep safe. Da iawn Blwyddyn 2!

For our Safety Awareness Week Year 3 learnt about the dangers of electricity in the home and how to store solvents and cleaning products safely in a high place or in locked cupboards. The children then worked in pairs to make posters on adobe express.

For our Safety Awareness Week Year 4 learnt about water safety and made posters.

Year 5 learnt first aid during our Safety Awareness Week.

For our Safety Week Year 6 learnt about substance misuse:

Year 5 attending Maths workshop at Hawarden High School 26.2.2024

Year 5 have enjoyed participating in the maths workshop at Hawarden High School. Here are some photos of them creating an Icosahedron. Diolch Hawarden High!

Year 4 children's last Forest School session 23rd February 2024:

Year 4 really enjoyed their last forest school session on Thursday. They made fairy fires and toasted brioche, crumpets and marshmallows and of course, had hot chocolate! They had to really persevere to light their fairy fires at Forest Schools last week. But they didn't give up and got their fires going!

Overall winners of our talent show on 22nd February:

Here are the winners collecting their prize and shield. Da iawn! It was amazing!

Penarlag's Got Talent Show 22nd February 2024:

Well done to all the children that took part. It was an amazing evening. Here are photos of the performers who won the singing, dancing and open categories and them receiving their prize.

World Thinking Day February 22nd 2024:

Members of Guiding and Scouting remember their founders and guide and scout members all over the world. To celebrate this day children could wear their uniform to school.

Our Safety Awareness Week, week beginning 19th February 2024:

This week is our Safety Awareness week and each class has a different theme. Today St Johns came in and taught Year 5 AVPU, DR ABC, who to call in an emergency and CPR. It was fantastic!

Safer Internet Day 6th February 2024:

Some of our classes completed work  for Safer Internet Day. Below are photos of Year 3 work and Year 5. Year  5 watched a Newsround episode focussing on keeping safe online. They also looked at persuasive icons, what their technique is and the effect they have.

Children's Mental Health Week , week beginning 5th February 2024:

Each class completed a lesson focussing on their mental health.

Year 2 listened to a story called 'The Lion Inside' by Rachel Bright and Jim Field. The story is about a little mouse that finds out 'You don't have to be BIG and BRAVE to find your ROAR. We talked about what makes us brave and we shared how we can voice our worries if we are feeling a little scared. 

Da iawn Blwyddyn dau, you have all shown how brave you can be! 

For Children’s Mental Health Week year 3 were learning to recognise that their voices matter .They  discussed that children have a right to explain how they think or feel about something and how they could do this children , for instance, contributing to curriculum design through pupil voice, suggesting ideas during different clubs. They then spoke about how everybody is unique and how this can be celebrated. Children shared ideas about their likes and dislikes and discussed if this was the same for everybody. Children then expressed themselves by completing all about me flower sheet.



For Children’s Mental Health Week Year 5 designed a dream day filled with things that matter to them to focus on this years theme ‘ My Voice Matters’.

Year 4 forest school session on 2nd February 2024:


Our Year 4 children had a great Forest school session. This week, in small groups they made their own mini 'fairy fires' and enjoyed making smores and drinking hot chocolate.

They then played games and chased leaves in the wind, seeing how far they would blow.

Lots of laughter and smiles by everyone!

Year 5 and 6 trip to Danger Point 29th January 2024:

Blwyddyn 5 and 6 went on a school trip to DangerPoint today. They learnt lots about keeping safe and had a great time, despite the weather

Year 6 Prevent lesson 26th January 2024:


Saint Dwynwen's Day 25th January 2024:

Saint Dwynwen's Day, the Welsh equivalent of Saint Valentine is on 25th January. Each class completed work about Saint Dwynwen. For Saint Dwynwen's Day Year 1 read the story of St Dwynwen and made a card for someone they love.

Children in Blwyddyn 2 celebrated Saint Dwynwen Day by designing their own love spoons for someone special. They selected different symbols for their love spoons and made a label.

For Saint Dwynwen's Day Year 3 learnt about the story of Dwynwen and thought of what love meant to them, in particular how friends and family show love. They discussed lots of adjectives and what these words are in Welsh before writing them on the paper to describe their friends.

Year 4 wrote about what they had learnt about Saint Dwynwen, to celebrate her special day.

Blwyddyn 5 celebrated Santes Dwynwen by learning about the story of Dwynwen. They learnt about the tradition of giving Welsh Lovespoons and what the symbols represent. They then designed and created some Welsh Lovespoons of their own.


Year 6 made movies telling the story of Saint Dwynwen to celebrate her special day.

Year 4 Forest School session 25th January 2024:

We had a lovely fire and enjoyed toasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate! As well as playing games and laying trails, they also learnt relaxation techniques:

Football match 26th January 2024:


Our football squad played Ewloe Green school.

Both teams played very well and Penarlag won 7—2. Well done to everyone in our squad!

Thank you to Mrs Bowhill and Mr Vose for leading our football club and organising this match.

Year 5 show and tell session for parents 26th January 2024:


Our Year 5 class held our first show and tell session for their parents. Parents were invited into the hall at 1.30pm and our Year 5 pupils told them all about their Victorians topic from last term. They sang a song, showed their work and even made gruel for their parents to try!

Thank you to Mrs Davies and Mrs Hamilton for organising this and for all our Year 5 children for working so hard to plan this for their parents.

Everyone really enjoyed it!

Open the Book collective worship 22nd January 2024:

Thank you to Open the Book who came to lead our collective worship by telling the first part of the story of Joseph. Thank you to our Year 6 pupils who participated as well!

Year 4 Forest School session 19.1.2024:

We had a great session. We collected wood for the fire and made smores over the fire and had hot chocolate. We also played games on the field . At the end of each session we take it in turns to pour water over the fire and share what we have enjoyed. Then we pack up and head back to schoo

Year 5 live space lesson 18.1.2024:

Blwyddyn 5 were one of 1200 schools across the UK who participated in ‘The Spaceship Earth’ Live Lesson, where they learnt about satellites in space linked to their topic. Da iawn pawb!

Year 4 Forest School session 12th January 2024:

The second group of Year 4 children had their first Forest School session. They learnt some new games, we lit a fire and of course, had smores and hot chocolate. Lots of smiles and laughter from everyone!

Airbus workshop 11th January 2024:

Blwyddyn 5 and 6 completed session 2 of STEM Junior Airbus where they focussed on Aeroplane Design. The children learnt about the principles of flight and began designing their own planes. Da iawn pawb.

Rhyl Pantomime 21st December:

Everyone has arrived safely at Rhyl for the pantomime and are waiting for the show to start!

Bronze Award for Cymraeg Campus December 2023:

Da iawn, to Mrs Cass who leads welsh in the school, our Criw Cymraeg and all staff and pupils. We have achieved Cymraeg Campus Bronze award!

Christmas stalls December 15th 2023:

Thank you to all the children and staff for their hard work for our Christmas stalls yesterday. The stalls looked fantastic and everyone had lots of fun!

Junior pupil's Christmas dinner , 13th December 2023:

Thank you to Lianna, our school cook for preparing a gorgeous Christmas dinner for our Junior pupils today. Infant pupils will have their Christmas dinner tomorrow.

Nursery, Reception and Year 1 perform their Christmas Tree nativity. 13th December 2023:

Well done to our Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children who performed their Christmas Tree Nativity today. They were fantastic! Thank you to FOPs who served refreshments to the audience.

Years 2 and 3 carol concert at Highway Methodist Church 12th December 2023:

Well done to our Year 2 and 3 pupils for a wonderful carol concert at Highway Methodist Church this afternoon.

Years 4 to 6 carol concert 11th December 2023:

Da iawn to Years 4 to 6 for their lovely carol concert at Highway Methodist Church. Years 2 and 3 have their carol concert this afternoon.

Wednesday 6th December Year 4 forest school session:

The first group of Year 4's had their final Forest School session this week. They had a great time and made natural pictures. Can you guess what the pictures are?

Welsh lessons with Mrs Wright 15th November 2023:

Mrs Wright, one of our teachers is on a full time 'Welsh in a Year' course . She came into school on Wednesday to deliver Welsh lessons to Year 5 and 6 pupils.

Year 5 and 6 's first Airbus workshop, 15th November 2023:

Yesterday Blwyddyn 5 and 6 participated in our first STEM Junior Airbus workshop. The focus was an introduction to Airbus and it’s role in aviation. The children learnt about basic aviation concepts and history. A big thank you to Airbus, we look forward to working together on this project over the course of this academic year!

Anti Bullying Week, week beginning13th November 2023:

This week is Anti Bullying week. Yesterday the children had an assembly about bullying. They discussed what bullying is and the importance of telling someone about any bullying.

Pudsey visits Penarlag! 14th November 2023:

We have had a surprise visitor to school this afternoon and he visited all our classes! We told Pudsey we will be raising money for Children In Need on Friday by wearing our favourite colour to school and donating £2. Thank you for visiting us Pudsey

Open the Book Collective Worship 13th November 2023:

Thank you to 'Open the Book' who led our collective worship today. The theme was trust and the story was Jesus going fishing .

Hawarden Remembrance Service 12th November 2023:


Well done to our Head and Deputy Boys and Girls who attended Hawarden Remembrance Service this morning to represent the school. They did a wonderful job in very wet and cold weather. Thank you to Hawarden Community Council for organising this service.

We will remember them.

Year 4 Forest School session on 9th November 2023:

It was a very wet Forest School session for the Year 4's on Thursday. They completed some orienteering tasks and we still managed to have a fire, hot chocolate and make smores! Da iawn Blwyddyn 4!

Our Remembrance Service 2023:

This afternoon our Head and Deputy Boys and Girls led our Remembrance Service in School. They did a fantastic job. We had two special guests, Mr Vose , who served in the Air Force, as Sergeant Vose and Mrs Gray’s son, Able Rating Gray.

Our Remembrance Display 2023:

Diolch to Mrs Gray for creating our beautiful Remembrance display.

Thursday 9th November

Year 5 had so much fun working with Lianna, our school cook completing their design and technology lesson, which was to create a modern day gruel, linked to their class topic. Da iawn Blwyddyn 5!

Monday 6th November Year 6

Year 6 had a busy day today. In the morning they had a cryptography workshop, cracked codes and learnt about how Morse Code was used in World War 2 linked the their class topic. In the afternoon they had  first aid training and an introduction to sign language.

Da iawn Blwyddyn 6! 

Harvest food collection October 2023:

Thank you to everyone who donated to our harvest food collection. This will be taken to Flintshire Food Bank today.

All the food donations have been dropped off at Flintshire Foodbank.

Year 4 Forest school session 27th October 2023:

This week the children developed their map skills with Mr Vose. We also made a fire and made smores and had hot chocolate!

Halloween themed lunch on 27th October 2023:

Thank you to Lianna our school cook. The children wanted a Halloween themed lunch  and Lianna did a fantastic job!

Week beginning 23rd October, our Work Awareness Week:

This week is our Work Awareness week. Classes have been finding out about different jobs. Year 5 interviewed Lianna our school cook, about her role.

For our Work Awareness Week Year 6 found out about how Airbus helped in World War 2 and the jobs they create in our community.

For our work awareness week Year 4 looked at how digital skills are used in the workplace. They became animators and digital composers.

For our work awareness week, Year 3 discussed different animal related jobs and explored which jobs children knew.. They looked at Chester Zoo website to look at the names and descriptions of different zoo keepers. Children then drew pictures of different jobs and labelled them.


For our work awareness week Year 2, Lyndsay from 'Animals Take Over' visited the class to talk about her job. She explained what her job was and how she looked after the animals. The children asked her questions about different animals. Afterwards the children wrote a report about an owl.

For our work awareness week Nursery, Reception and Year 1 found out about people who help us.

26th October Planting an orchard project:

Thank you to Airbus who has funded a Sustaining Schools Orchard project here at Penarlag. Today a volunteer from Airbus and member of staff from The Wild Life Trust have been planting fruit trees with our eco committee. In the afternoon the children used an apple press to make their own apple juice.

19th October Year 5 visited Gladstones Library:

Year 5 walked to Gladstones library this morning. They had a fantastic visit.

16th October Open the Book Assembly:

Thank you to the members of 'Open the Book' a bible story telling group for leading assembly today . They led the story of Esther and the importance of saying sorry. Some children were involved in the performance and everyone else joined in with lots of actions. They led a fun action song as well!

12th October 2023 Year 4 Forest School session 2:

On Thursday Year 4 had their second Forest School / Ysgol Goedwig session. They completed a mini beast hunt, did leaf and bark rubbings and had hot chocolate with marshmallows and chocolate biscuits!

Our Eco Committee for 2023 -2024:

Here is our Eco Committee for 2023 to 2024. They had their first meeting today, chose a chair person, secretary and reporter, received their badges and started completing the Eco Schools Environmental Review. Diolch pawb!

World Mental Health Day 10th October 2023

Today is World Mental Health Day. Today in Blwyddyn 2 for mental health day, the children listened to the story The Colour Monster. We talked about feelings and what makes us feel happy.

Da iawn pawb for sharing your feelings with each other

For World Mental Health Day Year 6 have focused on meditation and breathing.

For World Mental Health Day Blwyddyn 5 had a ‘Tea & chat’ session.We enjoyed a cup of tea and talked about what’s on our minds to help ease stress and reduce our anxiety.Working on a shared task like this is a brilliant way to start a discussion and lend someone a helping hand.

For World Mental Health Day , Year 3 discussed how they can improve their mental health and played well being bingo. Da iawn pawb!

For World Mental Health day Nursery focussed on taking turns and sharing.

For World Mental Health Day Reception and Year 1 discussed how they might feel during the school day and how they have  each other to help them. They also did some mindfulness colouring.

For World Mental Health day , yr 4 took part in a 'Be Internet Legends' assemblies by Google. This focused on our digital well-being. As part of the Five Ways to Well-being they focused on something that could be learnt. They looked at learning a new language, Mandarin.

9th October 2023:

Thank you to Master Richardson who came to school to teach us all about Tae Kwan Do.

6th October 2023:

The first group of Year 4 started their forest school sessions today. They played games, learnt the rules and , of course toasted marshmallows to make smores over the fire. Lots of laughter and smiles from everyone!

5th October 2023:

Year 2 took part in a live lesson today which was all about exploring the dark universe using a space telescope.

3rd October 2023:

Blwyddyn 5 completed a Cybersafe workshop with PC Woodworth, where they learnt about Cyberbullying. Da iawn pawb!

Monday 2nd October 2023:


Lyndsay from 'Animals Take Over' visited Blwyddyn 2 ac Blwyddyn 3 to teach the children about Barn Owls.

The children learned so many facts about Barn Owls and they were all able to hold and stroke one.

It was a fantastic afternoon and the children and staff loved it.

September 2023:

Here is our Criw Cymraeg for this academic year. Their role is to develop the use of Welsh in school.

September 29th 2023 MacMillan Coffee Morning

Our year 6 class organised the coffee morning and what a great job they did! We raised £117 for MacMillan Cancer Support.

European Day of Languages Tuesday 26th September 2023

Year 4 , 5 and 6 celebrated European Day of Languages by completing lots of different activities including quizzes, learning to say hello in different languages and hello bingo. Da iawn pawb, what a great afternoon! Miss McGill

National Coding Week , week beginning 18th September 2023

All classes completed coding lessons during the week.

Here is our school council for 2023 to 2024

Here is our school council for this school year. They will be working with Miss McGill to improve the school. They have been given their badges and books and have elected a chairperson, secretary and reporter

Cricket festival 13th June 2023:

The cricket team had a fantastic time at the Flintshire Cricket Festival this week.  They did extremely well and it was nice to be outside playing against other schools within the area. Well done everyone!!!

Swimming gala May 25th 2023:

A team from our Year 5 and 6 pupils entered the Saltney and Queensferry swimming gala for schools and won the gala! Da iawn to all the children who took part and to Mrs Hughes for taking them.

5th May 2023 Celebrating the coronation:

We have celebrated the coronation this week in school. Some classes have completed coronation maths challenges, made crowns and followed a live art lesson to learn to draw the king. Today we all wore red, white and blue.

Year 3 class violin lessons, starting 21st April 2023:


Year 3 have started Theatre Clwyd First Experiences violin lessons. During the project they will have the opportunity to play, sing and create music.

Reception Technocamp workshop 20th April 2023:

Reception had a visit from Will at Technocamp yesterday afternoon. He brought along his friend Sandwich Bot who needed our help to create an algorithm to help him make a marmalade sandwich. It was so much fun!

Year 5 Technocamp workshop Tuesday 18th April 2023:

Year 5 have had an amazing afternoon at the Technocamp workshop called ‘infinity and beyond’ which relates to our school theme ‘Tomorrows World’ and our topic space. The children learnt about Newton’s third law and how thrust helps a rocket to launch into space. They also learnt about drag and which shapes are aerodynamic. Their challenge was to make their own rocket which would be launched into the air to see how high and far it could travel.

Year 3 class assembly 31st March 2023:

Year 3 led their class assembly on Friday. It was brilliant. Da iawn Blwyddyn 3!

Year 6 celebrating British Science Week:

Last week, Year 6 have been celebrating British Science Week by taking part in a live lesson to learn about the interesting connection between sheep and seaweed.

In our new Science groups, we have also started investigating materials. Groups have been working together to plan an investigation to find the 'best' type of paper bag to use to hold healthy snacks. More details and photographs to follow in the coming week on the Year 6 page of our school's website.

Year 5 celebrating British Science Week 2023:

Year 5 enjoyed British science week and took part in a variety of activities. They started with a live lesson, learning about forces and gravity. In the end they designed their own space capsule. Later in the week they were give a task of building a protective capsule for an egg. The aim was to be able to drop the egg from a height without the egg breaking. Each group had a different material to use and we observed what design and material was best at protecting the egg.

Year 3 celebrating British Science Week 2023:

Last week for British Science Week, Year 3 took part in a live lesson.

Early Years celebrating British Science Week 2023:


Last week was British Science week and the theme was connections. Early Years have spent time in our garden creating homes for mini beasts and using our sense of smell to connect with nature.

British Science Week, week beginning 13th March 2023:

To celebrate British Science week, Years 1 and 2 took part in a ‘Science Farm Live Lesson,’ where the children learned about tractors and how they are connected to space. Well done everyone!

Badminton Festival March 14th 2023:

Our badminton team had a great day at the badminton festival, held at Deeside Leisure Centre on Tuesday 14th March. It was nice to get out and play other schools. They won some and lost some, and everyone really enjoyed themselves.

Year 3 celebrating World Book Day 2023:

Year 3 celebrated World Book Day by participating in a BBC Live Lesson all about story writing and genres. The children thought about their favourite stories, then designed alternative characters and a different ending. They really enjoyed it and had some great ideas. The children will be using this knowledge in their story writing over the next few weeks. Da iawn, Blwyddyn 3!

Our World Book Day 13th March 2023.

The theme was bed time stories and staff and children came to school wearing their pyjamas or dressed as a book character. We had some great costumes!

Tag Rugby tournament 8th March 2023:

The Penarlag Tag Rugby team had a great day at the Tag Rugby festival at Ty Calon, Shotton. They played extremely well especially in the very cold conditions. Thank you Mrs Bowhill and Mrs Jones for all your support.

Year 5  Adobe Creative Cloud Express online lesson. 8th March 2023:

 Year 6  took part in an International Women's Day themed Adobe Creative Cloud Express online lesson. Da iawn Blwyddyn 6

Year 5 William Morris art project 8th March 2023:

Year 5 are starting an art project based on William Morris. Some super sketching taking place!

Year 4 Tudor pottage 7th March 2023:

Year 4 have been looking at the differences between rich and poor Tudors. Today they made vegetable pottage.

Year 4 bridge project, March 2023

After looking at the story 'Branwen' last week Year 4 children took part in a STEM ( Science, technology, engineering and maths) project to build bridges using spaghetti.

Our school Eisteddfod March 2023:

Here our some photos from our school Eisteddfod. Each class performed an item to the rest of the school. We had stories, songs, dancing and poems. Da iawn pawb!

Saint David's Day competition winners 2023:

Here our winners from our St David's Day art competition and poetry competition. Da iawn pawb!

6th March 2023 making Welsh cakes:

This afternoon, Year 1 and 2 made delicious Welsh cakes as part of our St David's Day celebrations. The children had lots of fun helping with the recipe and enjoyed eating them too! Da iawn pawb

Saint David's Day art competition March 2023:

Last week as part of our Saint David's celebrations, all children took part in an art competition drawing daffodils. Here are the class winners. Da iawn pawb!

28th February 2023

Year 5 and 6 to part in a sorting things workshop from the company URENCO. The Children had a wonderful time taking part in lots of practical investigations.

28th February 2023:


Our Year 5 and Year 6 children worked through a variety of experiments to separate materials in a variety of ways.

Thanks to @SphereScience @urencouk for providing the workshop.

Penarlag's Got Talent Show February 16th 2023:

Our Talent show last week was amazing and all the children who took part were incredible. Daisy won the singing category, Jasmine won the dancing category and Charlie won the open category. The overall winner was Jasmine. Da iawn pawb!

February 14th 2023 Safer Internet Day:


Tuesday was Safer Internet Day. Year 1 and Year 2 found out how to keep safe online.

They worked with their 'Learning Partners' and shared their ideas with the class.

Da iawn pawb!

Year 1's work for Children's Mental Health Week February 2023:

Last week as part of children's mental health week, Year 1 learned a new song and dance called ‘I am me.’ We shared the story ‘Ruby’s Worry’ and talked about our class worry monster.

Year 6's work for Children's Mental Health Week February 2023

This year's theme for Children's Mental Health Week is Let's Connect. Year 6 have been working together to think about all of the people they can connect with. The children connected with their friends to compose and perform a poem on the theme of togetherness. During their independent learning time, Year 6 chose their own ways to reflect on this year's theme as you can see above.

Year 4's work for Children's Mental Health Week, February 2023:

What makes us happy and connects us.

Year 2's work for Children's Mental Health Week, February 2023


Year 2 have enjoyed learning a song and dance called 'I am me'. 

Da iawn Blwyddyn 2. 

Children's Mental Health Week, February 2023. Early Years work:

As part of mental health week, EY went on a mindfulness walk to listen to nature and talk about how it made us feel.

Year 5's work for Children's Mental Health Week 2023

Our Yr 5 completed mental health activities yesterday.They found out how we connect with others,took part in a 'Lets connect' bingo game finding out which classmates connected with certain things. And in groups made a paperchain, identifying the things the group connected with.

Children's Mental Health week February 6th - 12th 2023

This week is Children's Mental Health Week. The theme is Let's Connect. Further details can be found here:

Year 5 class assembly Friday 20th January 2023:

Year 5 created an assembly about the new curriculum, for their parents. It was fantastic! Here is the power point that the made:

Year 5 Festive day at Hawarden High School last term:

Year 5 had a festive day at Hawarden High School. Below is the Polar Press which Hawarden High have created:

20th December 2022, special visitor at school

Look who came to school today to visit all the children!

Year 5 and 6 football tournament:

A couple of weeks ago Year 5 and 6's took part in the consortium football tournament. The team played well with some lovely passing and goals. They won 2 and lost 1 game. Well done to everyone in the team!

Year 6 carol singing at HIghways Methodist Church :

Last week Year 6's went to Highways Methodist Church to sing carols at their coffee morning. Da iawn Blwyddyn 6, you were brilliant!

Year 5 Christmas themed day at Hawarden High School:

On 9th December Year 5 had a wonderful day at Hawarden High School. They took part in a variety of activities such as cheerleading, drama, singing and art based on the theme "What Christmas means to me".

Year 1 and 2 community posters 19th December 2022


Years 1 and 2 have been learning about how to care and look after our local area. On a walk today the children put up posters which they have made. Have you seen one? 

Community Christmas decorations 19th December 2022

Today Years 1 and 2 went on a walk around our local area spreading Christmas joy! We gave out Christmas decorations, which we have been busy making and we hid some along the way. Can you find one for your Christmas tree? If so, please tag us! Nadolig Llawen pawb!

Children in Need 2022:

15th November 2022

Years 1 and 2 enjoyed using Google Earth yesterday to locate our  school and explore the local area as part of our topic.


13th November 2022.

Thank you to these Year 6 pupils who attended Hawarden Remembrance Service with me today , to represent school. Miss McGill

10th November 2022:

All our children wore red and took part in the Urdd's Cwpan y Byd, Wales's World Cup Singalong. Everyone really enjoyed it!

Town planners visit to Year 6 26th October 2022.

Two town planners visited Year 6. Year 6 pupils had to design a town that people would like to live in. They had to talk about their plans and justify their decisions. Da iawn Blwyddyn 6!

25th October 2022 Technocamp workshop with Year 2.

Year 2 had a fantastic afternoon  learning all about algorithms and computational thinking.  

25th October 2022

This morning the Year 1 children took part in a Technocamp workshop where they developed their Computational Thinking. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it!

Monday 24th October was World Polio Day. Rotary clubs plant purple crocus corms the mark the day. The colour purple has been chosen as that is the colour children's fingers are dyed once they have been inoculated against polio in countries where mass vaccination sessions take place. Thank you to Hawarden Rotary Club who came to school and planted crocus corms with our eco-committee. Everyone had a great time and we are looking forward to seeing the crocus in the spring.

21st October 2022.

Da iawn to our Digital Leaders! They introduced themselves to the school on Friday  through a film trailer they made. It was fantastic!

21st October Wear It Pink Day for Breast Cancer Now.

3rd October 2022

Last week Year 1 pupils went for a walk around school to inspire them to write a poem about Penarlag School. Da iawn Blwyddyn 1!

6th October 2022

Year 1 and 2 performed The Bear Hunt Song with Early Years today.

6th October 2022

Early Years made their own instruments and used them to perform to Years 1 and 2.

6th October 2022

Our Year 5 and 6 Digital leaders are attending training this morning to help them in their role promoting digital learning at school.

Six of our Year 6 pupils attended a bike festival on 30th September 2022:

Our Macmillan coffee morning on 30th September 2022 organised by our Year 6 pupils:

23rd September 2022

Years 1 and 2 have enjoyed a lovely, sunny walk this afternoon. We completed a traffic survey to find out about the types of traffic we have through our local area as part of our topic 'Penarlag and Beyond.'

September 2022. After watching The Secret Garden Year 4 pupils have made their own miniature gardens.

September 2022. Our school theme is Penarlag and Beyond. Year 6 have been learning about Wales , where they live and cities and counties in Wales. 

Year 3 have been learning about Roald Dahl and have made their own Mr Twit beard from the book The Twits.

We started this academic year  2022- 2023, with a production of The Secret Garden , which our children really enjoyed. Throughout the week our children have completed a range of activities linked to the production.


Penarlag C.P School

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