Year 6
Friday 17th January 2025
It has been another busy week of learning for all of our Year 6 children. This week we have developing our understanding of what life would have been like for children during WW2 through tasks relating to Health and Wellbeing, Humanities, Science and Technology and our LLC work.
We are all looking forward to improving our skills further next week.
Friday 10th January 2025
Croeso nôl a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
Welcome back and Happy New Year.
Year 6 have already started their learning with a new class text - Letters from the Lighthouse. They have been researching Evacuation and Rationing for our Peace and Conflict topic linked to World War 2.
It’s great to see the children working so hard - especially with the freezing weather that we’ve been having.
Enjoy the weekend all,
Mrs Wright😃
Friday 6th December 2024
What an exciting week. Yesterday we went to see Snow White in Wrexham. All the children had a fantastic time. Today we held our full dress rehearsal for our very own Pantomime - Cinderella. They children performed extremely well and are all ready for the performances next week.
Stay safe this weekend,
Mrs L Wright
Friday 29th November
It’s been another busy and fun week. Well done to all of the children who have learned their lines. We can’t wait for the dress rehearsals next week.
This week, the children had a fantastic Technocamps session with Will. They learned lots of new animation techniques.
Have a lovely, well-earned weekend all.
Friday 22nd November 2024
What a week it has been. The children have been rehearsing for the Christmas Pantomime and things are really taking shape now even after a slightly different week than expected with the snow earlier in the week.
In Year 6, we have been learning about Ratio in Maths and our Language work has focussed on looking at points ‘for and against’ in Discussion texts.
We have a few busy and exciting weeks ahead which we are all looking forward to.
Friday 15th November 2024
Happy Children in Need Day. The children raised lots of money today for the charity by coming to school in some interesting outfits.
Pantomime season is truly upon us now. ‘Oh no it isn’t!’, ‘Oh yes it is!’.
Roles have been allocated and scripts have been given out. The children will begin rehearsals on Monday and can’t wait to show you all.
Friday 8th November 2024
The Year 6 children have settled to work after the half term break. We have been writing the first drafts of our adventure stories, using all four operations to solve word problems and thinking about the fauna and flora that live in Patagonia.
Well done for all of your hard work this week, Blwyddyn 6.
Well done to our head and deputy representatives who attended the service at Hawarden High School this morning and led a Remembrance Assembly this afternoon.
Work Awareness Week in Year 6
Friday 25th October 2024
Wow - what an exciting and interesting week it has been here in Year 6. The children have been learning about many different jobs and about the skills needed to do this. It has been a truly inspirational week - with visitors from different jobs and businesses.
Friday 11th October 2024
This week Year 6 have been working hard on their multiplication skills in our Maths and Numeracy lessons.
We completed lots of activities linked to World Mental Health Day.
We have launched into our Patagonia topic with with research and activities.
Year 6 Class Booklet for Autumn Term 2024:
This shows you what your child will be learning this term and how you can help at home.
Friday 4th October 2024
It has been another busy week for our Year 6 children. On Monday, we had a visit from our very own Gold and Silver medal-winning ex-pupil, Rhys Darbey. The children were so pleased to meet him and hear all about his Paralympic experiences in Paris.
Yesterday we took part in a Guinness World Record Attempt linked to World Poetry Day. Da iawn!
We have been writing the first drafts of our diary entries and have used our editing skills to improve our writing.
Friday 27th September 2024
We have had another busy and event-filled week here in Year 6. In Maths we have been learning to round numbers to help with estimating. We are still enjoying reading our class text - Where the Wilderness Lives and have just started our first writing cycle of the year. The children have been busy planning writing diaries in role as characters from the book.
On Thursday, the children took part in a morning of Dragon Sports Leaders training and will be putting their skills to the test over the rest of the year. They also completed tasks linked to the European Day of Languages.
Today, we held a Macmillan Coffee Morning to raise money for the cancer charity. The children were extremely well-mannered and helpful serving teas, coffees and cakes. Thank you to all of you who attended.
Blwyddyn 6 have been ‘teleporting ducks’ as part of Coding Week.
Friday 20th September 2024
Dydd Gwener Medi 20 2024
What a busy week it has been for our Year 6 children. On Tuesday, speeches and interviews took place for our Head and Deputy pupil positions. Da iawn to all of those who took part.
On Wednesday and Thursday, a large group of the children took part in Cycle Training. The training leaders were so impressed with the behaviour and skills of the children at Penarlâg. Ardderchog to all of those who took part.
We took our Mathematics and Numeracy work outdoors this week, using natural materials to create large numbers.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs L Wright
Another fantastic week for our Year 6 children. We have been enjoying our class novel and using our inference and deduction skills to explore the characters.
We continued our Place Value work with some creative activities using numbers up to 10 000 000. Our topic work has focussed on planning enquiries into our local area.
An exciting and busy week coming up next week with events including our Cycle Training on Wednesday and Thursday.
Medi/September 2024
Croeso yn ôl Blwyddyn Chwech. Welcome back Year 6.
The children have settled back into school extremely well and are already working hard.
We have started thinking about our class topic ‘Penarlâg and Beyond’ and started making improvements to our PS3 gardening area. We have started reading our whole class novel and have been learning to read large numbers in Mathematics and Numeracy.
It’s wonderful to be back at Penarlâg C.P. School.
Mrs L. Wright
Class of 2024
We are finally here! I would like to thank you all for your support this year. Thank you so much for my gifts I am overwhelmed. The children have an exciting new chapter and I wish them all the best. It been a pleasure to be their teacher and I wish you all health and happiness.
Miss Cudworth
Gone Green
Our amazing leavers play
Week beginning 01/07/24
We performance practices are running smoothly. Please continue to help your child learn their lines. Next week I will be ask children if they can bring props. You all have 3 tickets each if you do not require them all please let me know o that I can allocate them to other families. You will have received your reports today if you have any questions I am holding a drop in session next week.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Cudworth
Week beginning 17/06/24
This week we had a wonderful, if a bit cold, sports day. The children were well behaved as always and we had lots of fun. We also did our bug tasting! This is a lesson I never want to teach again!
Next week children going to Hawarden High school will have two full transition days on Thursday and Friday. Any children not going are to come to school as normal.
Have a fab weekend,
Miss Cudworth.
Sports day
Bug tasting!
Week beginning 10/06/24
This week we have been testing for Welsh Government and deciding on our leavers play. We had a wonderful trip the Xplore! center in Wrexham. All the children who went were wonderfully behaved and thoroughly enjoyed the two activities we had plan. It was joyful to watch them with the hands on experiments they could interact with too!. The children worked together to build our Aquaponic tanks and explain how it works. Then we used the LEGO Mindstorms EV3’s to learn how to code the EV3’s to move and use basic coding skills to complete challenges such as avoiding hitting LEGO mini-figures.
Next week we will be finishing our tests and preparing work for the high school.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Cudworth
Week beginning 6/6/24.
This week we have been focused on preparation for tests and debating the motion 'should AI be used in the future?'. Next week don't forget it is the school trip on Thursday. Please continue to encourage your child to practise their times tables at home. Well done to Soraya who this week has worked incredibly hard achieve her certificate.
Drama rehearsals
Gone Green
Week beginning 20/05/24
This week we had a visit from the 'Don't touch tell' workshop. The children discovered the dangers of alcohol and drugs and how to handle themselves in tricky situations. We also completed our class reading book 'Wonder', ending the week with the movie. Congratulations to 3 more children receiving their gone green certificates. Remember you can practise on TT Rock Stars at home!
Have a lovely week,
Miss Cudworth
Gone Green
Week beginning 13/05/24
Lots of fun this week with two very entertaining games of comprehension traitors. We also took part in our mental well-being week by having free choice in P.E and a chat about the importance of movement. Well done to Lennon who is the first in the class to achieve his TT Rockstars gone green certificate. I hope to see more of you gaining it next week. Look out for information next week about our school trip on June 13th.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Cudworth
Gone Green
Year 6 class booklet for Summer Term 2024:
Week beginning 06/05/24
I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday Monday. This week we have been focusing on our class book 'Wonder'. We have been looking at the author's craft and how they develop the narrative of the story. We have also created a science conclusion to our pattern seeking data experiment about the weather.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Cudworth
Week beginning 29/04/24
We are well and truly into our Wonder novel now and loving every minute of it. This week we have followed Auggies' journey to his new school and the difficulties he has making friends. We has discovered precepts and have created our own. We have also started our statistic work in maths. Don't forget we have our challenge websites to challenge and support you with you learning.
Have a fabulous bank holiday weekend,
Miss Cudworth
Precepts and Hot-seating
Week beginning 22/04/24
This week has been outdoor learning week. Below are some examples of what we have been upto. You can also see more photographs on our Facebook page.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Cudworth.
Outdoor learning week
Week beginning 15/04/24
This week the children enjoyed a dramatic performance of the history of the language of Wales.
We also researched for science 'cloud seeding' and the implications on our planet. As the weather begins to change please make sure your child has a hat and a coat as we all know how strange our weather can be especially at hometime! .
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Cudworth
Upleveling sentence lessons
Week beginning 11/03/24
A massive thank you to all that came to our first sharing event. It was wonderful for the children to share their work with you. If anyone has any videos or pictures of the event could you please email them to the office. The children worked so hard to prepare this afternoon for you I hope you enjoyed it.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Cudworth
Red Nose Day
Week beginning 04/03/24
As you can see from our pictures it has been a very busy week! We are looking forward to seeing you all, next Friday, for our sharing afternoon. Thank you for all your support and effort this week.
Miss Cudworth
On Friday, we started to create our model volcanoes and we created a drama based on our adventure story which we uploaded to Seesaw or Flip.
On Thursday, it was 'World book day' we had a live lessons, shared stories with the younger children and created our own poetry in the style of the Lorax.
On Wednesday, we hotseated the characters in our adventure story.
On Tuesday, we welcomed back Airbus for an enjoyable lesson on coding.
On Monday, we had no writing pens! The children made their own choices this afternoon to celebrate our fantastic Estyn report.
Week beginning 26/02/24
This week we have been celebrating our national Welsh pride. We have practised and performed our welsh poem in our assembly and danced a traditional Welsh folk dance. We have written character descriptions of St. David and recounted the story of how he healed his blind teacher. We also competed to create the best 'croeso' sign and lovespoon. Below you will find the winning designs from our class from some very strong competition indeed!
Have a lovely weekend and don't forget next week it is world book day on Thursday.
Miss Cudworth.
Examples of our newspaper writing
St. David's Day Celebrations
Week beginning 19/02/24
This week we have had two visitors. Our very own Mrs Wright came to teach the children all the wonderful things she has been doing on her Welsh course. It was wonderful to see her in class again. We also had a visit from the local newspaper as they came to talk to us about reporting and creating content online. This week saw us focusing on making good choices and we discovered the dangers of vaping and the issues of peer pressure.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Cudworth
This week we were lucky to have a special visit from Claire Pierce. She came to talk to the children about her role as a reporter with the Leader newspaper.
Week beginning 05/02/24
As we reach our half-term I want to thank you all for your support. It has been a pleasure to celebrate with you during parents evening the success of the the year so far. Any missed appointments will be rearranged by the office. Don't forget next term we will be holding our first sharing event on the 15th of March we would love to see you there. This week it has been children's mental health week, we have discussed the power of meditation and we looked at how much time we spend online. We also have completed our newspaper reports and natural disaster presentations. Have a wonderful half-term and I will see you all after the break.
Miss Cudworth
Enjoying exploring the areas.
Home learning 8th February 2024:
This week we have continued our study of natural disasters, focusing on earthquakes. We have begun to produce our newspaper report on the Aberfan disaster and honed our critical thinking skills in science. Just because we can, should we be allowed to cloud seed to create the weather? What do you think? We also have taken our first steps to receive an award for being a clever plastic school. This week are mission was a litter pick. However, because we are already amazing we had to ask Mr Vose to hide some litter for us to pick! Have a wonderful weekend I will see you all next week.
Miss Cudworth
Week beginning 22nd January 2024:
This week we have been developing our reporter skills ready to write our report next week. We have continued to learn more about the world we live in by studying volcanoes. Next week we will be looking at earthquakes!!!!. We will also be moving onto subtracting unlike fractions and simplifying.
Also, check out our debating work with our Prevent lesson we had so much fun even if the questions were tough to think about.
Have a great weekend
Miss Cudworth
This week we have had lots of fun discovering about tsunamis! The children created their own documentary while building a model tsunami and created a presentation from the research they discovered. We also created stop motion videos about tsunamis and uploaded facts to Seesaw. Next week we move onto earthquakes! Have a lovely weekend
Miss Cudworth x
Natural disaster.M4V
Class booklet for the Spring Term 2024:
It was wonderful to see all the children back from the festive season. This week we welcomed Airbus back to develop our understanding of aeroplanes and the science behind it. The children have created some wonderful models and have uploaded them to Seesaw for you to see. This term our topic is 'Extreme Earth', discovering weather and natural disasters in Wales and the world. Please encourage your child to use the challenge websites on Google classroom to discover more.
We have ended 2023 in style with a brilliant trip to Rhyl pantomime. The children were beautifully behaved and loved every minute of it. Thank you all for your support this year and I look forward to welcoming the class back on Tuesday 9th January. I wish you all season greetings and hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Miss Cudworth
What a busy week, starting with our wonderful Christmas Carol concert and ending with our school Christmas fair. Next week we have our Christmas party on Monday and Pantomine on Thursday. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all next week.
What a wonderful end to our productive week. The children used their Pupil voice to create a day where we celebrate our topic of 'Peace and Conflict'. This week the children created wonderful poems and on Friday we had a day of celebration of learning. The children asked if they could design their own Anderson shelters on minecraft, create their own playscripts, bring in artifacts from homes and share their families stories. After finding that many children had not tried spam I couldn't resist a little tasting session too! I am not sure it was a winner however the apple crumbles we made were. Have a fabulous weekend and we will see you next week for more fun.
This week in Blwyddyn 6 we have been completing lots of different assessments to track our learning. The class completed pupil voice and decided to record their next steps in learning in a grid at the back of their books. Please ask your child what their next steps are.
We have also used our pupil voice to decide what type of activities they would like to complete during our immersion day next Friday. Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you all next week.
The children this week have been looking at poetry from World War Two. Inspiring them to get ready for next week where they will be challenged to create their own. We also had Airbus deliver their first lesson on aviation engineering which the children thoroughly enjoyed. Have a wonderful weekend!
A big thank you to Mr Vose and Mr Grey who came to talk to the children about the armed forces.
Remembrance Week
Week beginning 02/10/23
This week we have been learning more about leaders in the second world war and the author
C. S Lewis, as we explore biographies. In science we have begun to draw electrical circuits in our books and the children are excited to make their own next week. We had a visit from PC Woodworth who came to talk to us about peer pressure and substance misuse. We ended the week by adding to our digital profiles (ask your children to show you at home) lots of work, videos and pictures for you look at.
Have a great weekend
Miss Cudworth
Week beginning 25/09/23
Another busy week for Year 6. Firstly, thank you so much for your support with the coffee morning. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and have asked if we can do it again! Not sure though if that is more to do with the fact there was cake! Highlight of the week was seeing the children's skills develop with tag rugby. Next week will shall have matches. Have a fabulous weekend.
Miss Cudworth.
Week beginning 18/09/23
What a week! We have been transported to Narnia by exploring the similarities and differences between the beginning of the book and the film. We have been developing our artistic skills with symmetrical patterns. We have explored how to the cloud works during our coding lesson and we have increased our knowledge about our topic. Don't forget to come to our coffee morning next week, I look forward to meeting you all.
Miss Cudworth
Class booklet for the Autumn Term 2023:
This booklet contains information about what your child/ren will be learning and how you can help at home.
Week beginning 11/09/23.
What a fabulous second week! This week the children have been researching about their class country Germany. Also, understanding how the second world war began, and how this affected the children of the time. We began our class novel of 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe' and discovered how it related to our class topic. We also had a special visitor who showed us how to create our own websites! I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. Miss Cudworth.
Week beginning 4th September:
What a wonderful first week back (apart from the burst water main!) all the children have settled in with ease. This week they have written about their summer holidays, created our class rules, learnt about the UNCRC, discovered perimeter, looked at internet safety and searched for educational games to help us. They have also taught me how to play hero or chicken! (There was a lot of running on my part!).
I hope you have a wonderful weekend
Miss Cudworth.
Hwyl fawr iawn i Blwyddyn 6!
Goodbye and Good Luck to all of our wonderful Year 6 children. You have been a pleasure and a joy to teach. Thank you for a lovely year and good luck with the next step on your journey.
W/C 3/7/23
It has been another busy week for our Year 6 children. They have been very busy making final edits to their Leavers’ Assembly which they are looking forward to sharing with you next week.
Blwyddyn 6 have also been learning all about ‘Money Matters’ by thinking about how to look after their money now and in the future.
W/C 23/6/23
Roedd wythnos fantastig yn Blwyddyn 6. It has been another fantastic week in Year 6. The children have been extremely busy with Sports’ Day, our Race for Life and working on their online tests. Arddechog!
Some of our Room 101 themes.
Sporty Blwyddyn 6.
W/C 12/6/23
Blwyddyn 6 have had a very busy week.
All children have been practising for Sports’ Day so we’re keeping everything crossed for dry weather next Tuesday.
For our LLC work this week, we have been decided what we would like to banish to Room 101.
There were some very interesting presentations which I’m sure your children have told you all about.
The children have all been budding Sports’ scientist this week learning about nutrition and creating training videos for athletes.
Some children attended the Cricket Tournament and some visited Hawarden High School.
Am wythnos brysur a hwyl iawn!
Blwyddyn 6 have been hard at work in the outdoors estimating, measuring and calculating angles.
United by Music
W/C 12/5/23
Blwyddyn 6 have been having a very busy week writing balanced arguments based on ‘Wonder’. Da iawn!
We have also been ‘United by Music’ with our Expressive Arts work linked to Eurovision. The children took part in the BBC Live lesson along with thousands of children of children from all around the country.
Blwyddyn 6 listened and voted for their favourite Eurovision song. Who would give your ‘douze points’ to?
W/C 2/5/23
Blwyddyn 6 started the week by exploring Percentages in a variety of ways.
Year 6 class booklet for summer term 2023:
26/4/23 Table Tennis Training
W/C 24/4/23
This week is Wales Outdoor Learning Week. Year 6 applied their Maths skills in the outdoors by using natural materials to calculate the mean average.
Health and Wellbeing session demonstrating skills to our younger children.
Year 6 used their leadership and organisational skills with some of our younger children during today’s Health and Wellbeing session. Da iawn!
Using MakeCode Arcade to develop coding skills in Year 6.
Tuesday 18th April 2023
Year 6 are already hard at work developing their coding skills - and having fun too! Will from Technocamps has been teaching Year 6 to create their own arcade games.
Pasg Hapus i bawb!
Here are some photographs taken during Year 6’s final P.E. session of the term.
Monday 27th March 2023
Year 6 are thinking like scientists this week. They have worked collaboratively to identify questions to be investigated, plan their investigations and follow their planned methods. Da iawn!
Year 6 have been working on their teamwork skills by developing a range of outdoor games.
How many laps could you complete?
Year 6 completing their Daily Miles to improve their Health and Wellbeing.
Year 6 are developing their producing skills to enhance their outcomes. Before working digitally, the children used their research and creative skills to design WW2 Propaganda themed posters linked to growing fruit and vegetables.
This week, Year 6 have been celebrating British Science Week by taking part in a live lesson to learn about the interesting connection between sheep and seaweed.
In our new Science groups, we have also started investigating materials. Groups have been working together to plan an investigation to find the 'best' type of paper bag to use to hold healthy snacks. More photographs to come next week when we have completed our investigations.
Year 6 taking part in their Live Lesson to find out what the connection is between sheep and seaweed.
Online learning for 10th March 2023:
Year 6 online learning for 9th March 2023:
September 2022
A guide to the new Curriculum for Wales:
Year 6 Class Booklet for Spring Term 2023:
Year 6 class booklet for Autumn term 2022:
Details regarding an after school football club for pupils in Years 1 to 6:
Internet safety and online radicalisation.
Please find below guidance for parents and guardians.
Penarlag 50
Please see documents below that explain about the 50 challenges. Can you complete any at home?
Miss McGill
The Five Ways to Well Being
Please see documents below that explain about the Five Ways to Well Being.