Year 3
WB 13.01.25
We have had a very busy week in Blywddyn 3 this week, but it has been lovely. We have started our topic afternoons focussing on Myths and Legends and focussing on forces and magnets for our science topic. The children are engaging really well with this topic and seem to be thoroughly enjoying it. We have started writing a character description for the sea serpent in our class text Leo and the Gorgon’s Curse. We have carried on with our gymnastics unit in PE, this week we have been looking at jumps, leaps and turns.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Miss Carroll
WB 06.01.25
Well, I can't believe that we are now 1 week into Spring term! It has been a very cold and icy week and the children have coped really well with not being able to use the yard.
This week, we started our new topic of Myths and Legends where we have completed our pupil voice ready for our topic afternoons to start next week and we have also started a new novel in LLC called Leo and the Gorgon's Curse. The children have really enjoyed this so far, we have been discussing Greek mythical creatures and heroes.
We have now moved on to looking at addition and subtraction within 1000, I have been so impressed with how much information the children have retained from when we looked at addition and subtraction within 100!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Miss Carroll
WB 16.12.24
Well, what a fabulous Autumn term we have had in year 3.
We have had a particularly lovely week this week where the children have enjoyed our Christmas party, making our Christmas cards and calendars and our amazing Christmas fair this afternoon. I have really enjoyed my first term with blwyddyn 3 and I’m excited for our Spring term.
I hope everyone has a fabulous Christmas and New Year and I will see you all in January.
Miss Carroll x
Christmas activities
WB 09.12.24
This week has been such an incredible week for the whole of Penarlag. I am so proud of the children for their amazing effort in our Cinderella performances, they have worked so hard along with the rest of the children in our school and the hard work clearly paid off, so da iawn! I hope all of you that were able to make it to one of the shows enjoyed it just as much as I did.
We have got 1 more week until our Christmas break and a week full of fun festivities.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Carroll
WB 29.11.24
Happy Friday!!! We have had a very busy week practicing for our Christmas pantomime, we are all very excited. I am looking forward to you all seeing all of the hard work we have put into the performance. It has been so lovely to see the children being so expressive and showing their creative sides.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Miss Carroll.
We have had a very busy week this week in year 3. We have been busy doing lots of assessments this week. But alongside those assessments we have started our new topic rotation where the children have been making crystals, creating leaflets, paying for their bus route and many other things. We have had Remembrance Day where we did lots of lovely activities as well as Children in Need today where we’ve been writing acrostic poems, completing the Joe Wicks Children in Need PE lesson, doing some code breakers and some lovely colouring.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Carroll
WB 11.11.24
What an amazing week we’ve had! It has been a very busy week with lots of amazing visitors. We have learned a lot about many different jobs including gas safety, wedding planning, the ice cream farm and a past pupil who is a police officer came to visit us too. The children have gained so much knowledge about all of these jobs and completed some amazing activities.
I hope you all have a lovely half term,
Miss Carroll☺️
WB 14.10.24
This week has been a lovely week in blwyddyn 3. We have enjoyed starting our new topic rotation, looking at changing materials, retelling the story of the gunpowder plot and being creative with many different autumnal items, it is so lovely to see how much the children really enjoy and thrive in our topic afternoons.
The children had lots of fun wearing pink to school yesterday and looking at the reason why we were wearing pink and raising money.
I can’t believe how fast this half term has gone with next week being our last week of this half term.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Miss Carroll
WB 07.10.24
We have had a brilliant week in blwyddyn 3 this week. We have been completing our performances for ‘The Walrus and the Carpenter’. I have been so impressed with how well they have performed these!! Following on from this we have competed a fact file about walruses. We have now moved onto looking at subtraction with regrouping, this has been a very tricky concept that the children are now grasping, which is amazing.
Yesterday we had a lovely day celebrating world mental health day, we looked at how we can help ourselves when we are feeling the uncomfortable feelings. We talked about strategies such as talking, exercise and as part of this we competed a yoga session, which was a lot of fun!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Carroll
W.B 23.09.24
This week blwyddyn 3 have been writing character descriptions for their chosen Alice in Wonderland character. We have really enjoyed reading different versions of the text including the novel and also picture books. We have been comparing the different types of texts and their similarities and differences. As a treat, we have watched the film throughout the week. The children have really impressed me this week in M&N!!!! We have been looking at 2 digit column addition with regrouping and they have done so well! They have really proven this week how mature they are and how much they have settled into the extra responsibilities they have in year 3.
I have shown some of the children how to change their reading books, so if they finish their book before their reading day, they can change them themselves.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Miss Carroll
Year 3 Class Booklet for Autumn Term 2024:
This shows you what your child will be learning this term and how you can help at home.
Week beginning 16.09.24
This week we have been doing lots of practical work looking at column addition, we have had lots of fun writing on the tables and using dienes to support our learning. We have now started our topic afternoons with blwyddyn1&2 which has been brilliant. The children have loved exploring all of our different areas and completing our directed and independent tasks. Luckily, we managed to head off on our walk to complete the traffic survey on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Carroll.
Week beginning 9th September
We have had a lovely week in blwyddyn 3 this week. The children are definitely getting into the swing of the year 3 expectations and sitting at their desk, which is so lovely to see. We have been learning different methods for addition this week, starting to look at column addition. We are currently reading Alice in Wonderland in LLC where we have been researching Lewis Carroll and the story behind Alice in Wonderland. With our topic starting next week, we completed our pupil voice using Padlet, which I know the children really enjoyed. Hopefully we are able to go on our walk to complete our traffic survey on Monday.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my first few weeks with this lovely class!
Miss Carroll
Week Commencing 8th July
This week, the children have been taking part in a school-wide International Week. They have spent time learning more about their class country, Australia. Over the course of the week, the children created art pieces inspired by traditional Aboriginal artwork, made 'Come to Australia' brochures, researched into NAIDOC Week and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, and then explored traditional Aboriginal stories. They have been working so hard developing their knowledge on Australia and have been enthusiastically sharing their findings with their peers.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Miss Butler
Week Commencing 1st July 2024
What a busy week we have had in Blwyddyn 3!
We started our new Maths unit on time and did lots of practical activities to consolidate the knowledge they had built up when they explored time in Blwyddyn 2. Next week, we will be looking at time tables length of journeys, and exploring the concept of a.m. and p.m.
The children have worked so hard this half term and were able to fill up their marble jar this week. The children decided that, in the spirit of the General Election, they would like to spend time that afternoon doing an activity which was voted for by the class.
The children finished writing their letters to the First Minister encouraging him to support their efforts in reducing the amount of plastic in the ocean. I was so proud of the sustained effort and enthusiasm the children have shown during the editing and drafting process.
We have also been very busy preparing for our Teddy Tombola stall for the Summer Fair. The children have worked so hard on their posters and were very excited to share these with you all.
I hope you have a lovely weekend and hopefully we can all enjoy some sunshine!
Miss Butler
Week Commencing 24th June:
This week, the children have been finishing their work on fractions. We looked at ordering, comparing and solving calculations and finished the unit by looking at word problems. We became advocates for the environment this week as we planned and began our first draft of our letters about ocean plastic pollution. It was lovely to see the children's passion for the environment in our discussions about ocean plastic pollution. We also began researching our class country, Australia, and looking at the physical and human geographical features of the country in preparation for our Topic lessons next week where the children will be filming a holiday advertisement.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Miss Butler
Week Commencing 17th June
It has been a lovely first full-week with Blywddyn 3!
We have been writing recounts of our trip to the Blue Planet Aquarium. The children also participated in our annual Sports Day. I was really proud to see everyone joining in, having fun and trying their best in each race!
Next week, we will be taking everything we have learnt about plastic pollution, the Welsh coast and marine life and comparing it with Australia which is our class country. The children will also become advocates for the environment when we learn how to write persuasive letters about how to reduce ocean plastics.
I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Miss Butler
Week commencing 10thJune
We had an amazing time at Blue Planet Aquarium! We had a lesson about ‘Drowning in Plastics’. The children engaged in a discussion about the impact of plastics on our oceans and they came up with some brilliant ideas on how we can all help to reduce plastic waste. It was wonderful to see their enthusiasm in thinking about ways to protect our environment.
It has been a wonderful first week with the children. I'm really looking forward to teaching them for the rest of the summer term and seeing all the amazing things they will achieve.
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Butler
Wc 3rd June
Its been a lovely week with the children this week! We have been busy practicing for our school recorder performance that we will be completing during assembly next Monday and have worked really hard to draw bar models to answer word problems in our Maths lessons. The children have also enjoyed drawing symmetrical pictures in the Expressive Arts areas and completing our science investigation on ice during our topic afternoons.
I also wanted to say a massive thank you to parents this week! I know many of you will already know that today (07.06) is my last day teaching the class before going on maternity leave. I wanted to take the time to say thank you for all your support and kindness throughout the year. I’m so proud and grateful to have taught your children and I hope you enjoy reading their reports over the weekend. They really have worked tremendously hard and I can’t wait for you to read everything that they have achieved. I look forward to seeing some of you again during our class showcase next Thursday 13th June. I know the children are so excited to show you the work that they have completed during our latest topic.
Miss Vaughan
Wc 13.05
We’ve had another lovely week this week… it has gone by so fast!
We have celebrated mental health awareness week by taking part in yoga and learning to breathe in through our noses and out of our mouths. We have also taught a lesson on the benefits and dangers of social media and children acted out scenarios showing how we can be kind online. The children have also been writing their explanation texts on the water cycle in our LLC lessons and have been busy redrafting and improving their work. In Maths we have started work on money and children were able to make and record amounts using pounds and pence today! I was really blown away! We’ve also been learning about animal skeletons - vertebrates and invertebrates as well as recognising what an endoskeleton and exoskeleton is. The children have been pretending to be vets to sort different X-ray pictures of animals and have been building an exoskeleton for one of their fingers to see how this would change their movement and flexibility. Da iawn Blywyddyn 3!
Miss Vaughan and Mrs Gray
We 13/05
Wc 6th May
This week we were very fortunate to have the RNLI visit us to speak about water safety. They explained how we can stay safe at the beach and also how volunteers rescue people. The children loved trying on the staff members helmets and harnesses and even learnt some safe positions to adopt in water to keep them afloat. Da iawn Blwyddyn 3!
Wc 6th May
WC 29.04
Happy Friday everybody! All the children have worked very hard again this week and really deserve their long weekend. This week we have been learning more about the water cycle and gathering facts about it. This has included researching on the Welsh water website, watching videos on evaporation and condensation and recording our facts voice recorders and in our books. In Maths we are now measuring mass and have been weighing in kg and g to see how heavy our classroom objects are. We have also learnt about food chains and the continents and the oceans of the world this week. Da iawn Blwyddyn 3!
WC 29.04
Wc 22.04
Wow we’ve had such a fun and busy week this week! We have written our final draft of our animal poems in English and have completed our work on length in Maths. We also loved attending William Aston Hall on Tuesday to play our recorders with an orchestra and with children from other schools. Finally, we had a bit of a surprise this morning and a visitor from Welsh water came in to teach us all about the water cycle. We learnt how clean water is pumped into our homes through pipes and how waste water gets taken away from our homes, treated and then released back into rivers and oceans.
Wc 22.04
Wc 15.04
Year 3 have had another great week this week. We’ve started learning about lengths in Maths and have explored using rulers and metre sticks to measure in metres and centimetres. In English, we have been using the Commotion in the ocean book to explore poems about sea creatures. We have also enjoyed starting to learn about cricket in P.e and learning about animal groups in our Topic lessons. We will be creating our final pieces of work on these areas next week so there will be plenty of pictures to follow next Friday!
We are also looking forward to our trip to William Aston Hall next week. If all Year 3 children could arrive at school by 8:30 next Tuesday 23rd April so we are in time for the bus we would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you,
Miss Vaughan and Mrs Gray
Year 3 class booklet for Summer term 2024:
This booklet details what children will be learning this term and how parents can support their children's learning at home:
We have started settling back into school life really well this week! We have been tying up loose ends with our Traditional Tales and plants topic before starting our Splash (water topic) next week! This week the children have enjoyed writing a non chronological report about the life cycle of a bean plant and learning about multiplication within the 4s, 5s and 10s TimesTables. We have also completed a class website detailing a lot of our digital work on Traditional Tales and have built Hansel and Gretel’s gingerbread house on Minecraft. We have also completed KWL grids showing what we already know and want to learn about our next topic splash. Da iawn Blwyddyn 3!
Wc 08.04.24
Wc 18/03
I can’t believe it’s the end of another half term! The children have been working so hard once again. We have been writing our instructions about how to make biscuit houses this week and we have also been learning how to multiply by 4 in Maths. In topic we have learnt about the life cycle of a bean plant and the processes of seed dispersal and pollination and how they support plants to grow and develop in new places. To support our learning on this, the children opened sugar snap peas and green beans and compared how the beans from each plant looked on the inside. They also explored moving glitter from one cake case to another using their finger tip to visualise the process of pollination. The children also performed so well in their class assembly this half term! Thank you to everybody that came and da iawn again Blwyddyn 3! I hope you all have a lovely Easter!
Wc 18/03
Wc 4th March
This week we have been writing our own version of Hansel and Gretel using our plans. We have also been learning about how to multiply by 2 and 3 and explored many ways of doing this. Finally, we have started making our own mini houses out of biscuits during topic afternoons. The children have really enjoyed planning their designs and decorating their biscuits. It was also lovely to see all the children dressed in costume for World Book Day. The children enjoyed drawing a picture to create a front cover for their own story and creating a bookmark.
Wc 19th February
We have had a lovely first week back and it has been great to see everyone again. This week we have been working hard on our digital skills and have been signing into hwb every morning to complete our feelings check in. The children have been getting much quicker at this and now have their own laptop or iPad for the remainder of Year 3. We have also written and edited our formal letters and we’ve started learning how to multiply and divide using cubes, dienes and by drawing pictures.
This week we have also been learning about Saint David in preparation for St David’s day and we have made a safety in the home poster online to coincide with safety in the home week.
Home learning for 8th February 2024:
Another good week in Blwyddyn 3!
This week the children have started learning about how to write formal letters and will be writing their letter to the witch in the Hansel and Gretel story after the holidays. We have also been celebrating Safer Internet day and Children’s Mental Health week. Some children have also continued making their puppets and we can’t wait to put these on display in the class. Da iawn Blwyddyn 3!
Pictures we 05/02/24
Wc Mon 29th January
Well what a week we’ve had! This week the children have made some absolutely amazing hand puppets in the Expressive Arts area. The children researched their own traditional tales puppets on an iPad, drew their design then made their puppets with Mrs Gray! They have really enjoyed doing this! The children have all written a newspaper report about going to watch the Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime in Rhyl and I know Mrs McGill can’t wait to see some of their work so she can put the children in her golden book. Finally the children have come on leaps and bounds with their Maths again. Many children can now complete 3 digit column subtraction sums by regrouping the tens and the hundreds!
Da iawn Blwyddyn 3!
Miss Vaughan and Mrs Gray
Wc 29th Jan (more photos!)
Wc 29th Jan
WC 22nd Jan
Our Year 3s have been working so hard this week. In English, we have planned our newspaper report about our visit to the theatre and are ready to write our report on Monday. In Maths we are practicing using column subtraction to subtract 3 digit numbers. This has been a challenge for some children at first but with plenty of practice this week I know we will get there. We also celebrated Saint Dwynwen day and RSPB birdwatch week this week. We learnt about the story of Saint Dwynwen and the names of some local birds in our community. Finally, we have also started our plant investigations in Science. Each child has planted some cress and some beans in a group and we will be placing the plants in different locations in the classroom to measure which conditions are best to promote plant growth.
Wc 15th Jan
We’ve had a fantastic week this week. We have started regrouping the ones whilst learning about column addition and the children have really worked hard to remember to carry the ten over to the tens column. In English, we have been learning all about recounts and how to retell an event. We will be recounting our visit to watch Jack and the Beanstalk at the theatre next week and writing newspaper reports to explain the event. We have also started using the Yr 2 classrooms again for our topic afternoon. In topic we have been building Welsh castles, learning about the Welsh traditional tale Culhwch ac Olwen and learning about the parts of a plant and each parts function. Da iawn Blwyddyn 3 for working so hard this week!
Pictures wc 15th Jan
Year 3 Class Booklet Spring Term 2024:
WC Tuesday the 9th January
Welcome back everybody! Its been lovely to see all the children again and hear all about their Christmas holidays!
This week we have been writing New Years resolutions. This has included children reflecting back on their favourite memories in 2023 and then choosing a goal to work on at home and in school. Hopefully you will be getting lots of children eager to help with the cleaning and the washing up at home in 2024! We have also started our work on addition and subtraction within a 1000 and I have been blown away by how well the children have completed their work independently this week! (pictures to follow)
Finally, the children have also been introduced to their new topic traditional tales. We have explored the features of traditional tales by looking at different books and completing quizzes online. I'm looking forward to exploring our topic in greater depth over the coming weeks.
Well done for a fantastic start back at school Blwyddyn 3!
Miss Vaughan and Mrs Gray
Wc Monday 18th December
What a week it has been! The children absolutely loved celebrating Christmas during their Christmas party on Monday. Throughout the rest of the week the children have been consolidating their work on The Great Fire of London and their Light and Dark topic by working in small groups to record a podcast sharing what they have learnt. The children have also enjoyed making Christmas cards and calendars this week which they’ve brought home with them today after a fantastic day at the pantomime in the Rhyl Pavilion.
Mrs Gray and I also wanted to thank all the children for all their hard work this year. They have come on leaps and bounds since September and we are so proud of their attitude to learning and how well they have settled into KS2. We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year as well as a well deserved rest!
Miss Vaughan and Mrs Gray 🙂
Wc Monday 11th December
This week Year 3 have really embraced the Christmas spirit! We had a great time performing our Christmas carol service to parents on Tuesday and enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner this week. We have also completed our Maths work on numbers to a 1000 and redrafted our Great Fire of London settings. Finally we completed our Welsh work and created power-points comparing Wales to our class country Australia.
Wc Mon 4th December
This week the children have written their own setting descriptions pretending that they are Vlad the flea in the story ‘Vlad and The Great Fire of London.’ In Topic, all children have now completed their 1666 house to coincide with our work on The Great Fire of London. The children have also learnt how to convey mood and emotions through their art work by learning about an artist named Jan Griffier the Elder who painted pictures of the Great Fire of London. The children then took inspiration from her work to create pictures using
oil pastels. Da iawn Blywddyn 3.
Miss Vaughan and Mrs Gray
Wc Mon 4th December
This week the children have learnt to retell the story of Vlad and The Great Fire of London. The children also drew a story map of the story to help with their retelling. In maths we have been learning to count numbers to a 1000 and the children have been exploring how to make 3 digit numbers using hundreds, tens and ones. In Topic some children have started building their 1666 house to coincide with our work on The Great Fire of London. The children have also been making a Great Fire of London picture using oil pastels. Da iawn Blywddyn 3.
Miss Vaughan and Mrs Gray
Wc Monday 27th November
Wc Monday 27th November
Wc Mon 20th November
This week the children have been very busy completing their class assessments. They've been trying hard to answer lots of multiplication questions for Maths and taking part in spelling and reading tests for to measure their progress for language and literacy. We have also started our new work on diary entries by reading the story Vlad and The Great Fire of London. Over the next few weeks the children will learn the features of a setting description and a diary entry so children can write their own diaries from 1666 London. Finally, the children have also completed their work on money in Maths. They have learnt lots of skills including adding prices together and giving change up to a pound. Da iawn Blywddyn 3! :)
Wc Mon 13th November
This week we have been celebrating Children in Need and Anti bullying week. We have looked at what bullying is and what strategies we can use to overcome being bullied e.g reporting it to someone you trust, asking the bully to stop etc. We have also been learning all about poems in our English work. We have used onomatopoeias to write poems about fireworks and The Great Fire of London.
Thank you for a lovely week Blwyddyn 3
Miss Vaughan and Mrs Gray
Wc Mon 13th November
Wc Mon 6th Nov
Welcome back everybody! It’s been lovely to see the children again this week. Everybody looks so refreshed and ready to go! We began this week by joining the Year 2 class for our pupil voice session to discover what the children wanted to learn about the Great Fire of London as part of their light and dark topic. All the children worked in pairs with a Yr 2 child and wrote something that they knew about fires or the Great Fire of London and something that they wanted to learn. The children also took part in a shop activity for maths this week where they had to collect the correct number of coins to buy an object. The children worked really hard to make sure they were combining the right coins and were very busy counting on it their heads to make sure they had the correct total.
Da iawn Blywddyn 3,
Miss Vaughan and Mrs Gray
Wc Mon 6th Nov
Wc Mon 23rd October
This week we have been busy writing our non chronological reports all about owls in English. Before writing our reports we learnt about the features of non chronological reports and practised matching subheadings to the correct fact with our partner and using them to make a poster. We have also been busy making sun catchers in our topic afternoons as part of our light and dark theme. It was also work awareness week this week so Miss Jones taught us all about different animal related jobs on Friday and we drew a poster showing what we had learnt about different jobs involving animals.