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Penarlag C.P. School

Penarlag C.P. School

Working together, learning for life and striving for excellence. Gweithio gyda’n gilydd, dysgu gydol oes ac ymdrechu am ragoriaeth.

Welcome and Details of PWAC and Holiday Club

Welcome to Penarlag Wrap Around Care and Holiday club's website page. On this page you will be able to access information about our Wrap Around Care provision and find out all the fun & news.

Penarlag Wrap Around Care and Holiday Club includes:

  • Before and After School Club 7.45am to 5.30pm
  • Nursery Plus 11.25am to 3pm
  • Holiday Club 7.45am to 5.30pm
  • Early Entitlement ( children can start the term after they are three)
  • Flying Start ( children can start the term after they are two)


Our Wrap Around Care and Holiday Club accepts thirty hour funding and a range of childcare vouchers.


For more information contact our Wrap Around Care Manager Miss Hardy:

Telephone : 07743225161


February Half term 2025:

Our holiday club is open to all children, regardless of which school they attend.

October Half term 2024 Holiday Club:

It looks like it is going to be a great week, see details below!

It is not long until May half term 2024! Our holiday club will be open and is open to all children, regardless of the school they attend. Further details are below:

Holiday club, February half term 2024:

We have had a great week in holiday club this week. Children have enjoyed lots of different activities including making biscuits and having a forest school session. During this session the children played games, completed a nature scavenger hunt and of course had a fire, toasting marshmallows to make smores and drinking hot chocolate. Lots of fun had by all!

Activities in our Summer Holiday Club 2023:

Friday 4th August:

The children attending holiday club had a forest school session this morning. The sun came out and they had lots of fun playing games and toasting marshmallows on the fire to make smores!

On 11th August Penarlag Wrap Around Care and Holiday Club have 'Animals Take Over' coming for a visit! I wonder if the staff are brave enough to hold the snake this year???

Tuesday 1st August 2023:

Penarlag Wrap Around Care and Holiday Club had fun at the park yesterday!

Wednesday 2nd August 2023:

Everyone had fun this afternoon with face paints and tattoos!

Summer holiday club 2023:

Look at the fantastic activities planned for our Summer Holiday Club, which is open to all children, regardless which school they attend:

Holiday Club Easter 2023:

Thursday 13th April :

It was Forest School Day. However the wind was too strong for the children to safely use our Forest School area, so they completed the activities inside:

Wednesday 12th April:

The children had great fun with messy play!

Tuesday 11th April:

Our Holiday club is open this week and the children are having a great time. On Tuesday they enjoyed being outdoors and planted sunflower seeds.

Wednesday 5th April:

This morning the children have been making chocolate Easter nests, ready for the Easter picnic and party this afternoon. Have fun everyone!

In the afternoon the children had a great time on their Easter Egg hunt. Lots of chocolate was found!

Tuesday 4th April:

Children have been enjoying the sunshine playing outside and on the adventure trail.

They also went on a nature walk and made these lovely Easter eggs:

Children enjoying a range of activities in Holiday Club:

Monday 3rd April:

Children have made egg cress heads:

Easter has arrived at Holiday Club!

Nursery Plus Spring Term 2023:

Tuesday 14th March:

Nursery Plus have had a great afternoon today. They have been working so hard developing their cutting skills and making pictures too. Da iawn to all of them!

Out and about on 22nd February 2023:

Children who attended our Holiday Club today have been out and about. They went to the shops and chose blueberry pancakes and pineapple and mango for their snack. Then they visited the duck pond.

22nd February 2023:

Holiday club is open and welcoming children this morning. As well as play activities in the hall, today children will be walking to the duck pond and going to the shop to buy their snack.

21st February 2023:

Look at these gorgeous cakes children in Holiday Club have made today. They will be visiting people in the community this afternoon and giving them a cake.

21st February 2023:

Holiday Club children are making fairy cakes today. They have just gone in the oven!

20th February 2023:

IN our Holiday Club, children made decorative pebbles and left them in the community. Please reply to this tweet if you found one. The children had a great walk around our local area. Remember Holiday Club is open to any child between 3 -11 years old, from any school.

Holiday club is open for February half term 2023:

Our Wrap Around Care Provision includes:

Before and After School Club

Nursery Plus

Holiday Club.


For further information please email Miss Hardy our Wrap Around Care Manager on

Penarlag Wrap Around Care and Holiday Club documents:

Parent handbook and registration form:


Inspection Report September 2019:

Penarlag C.P School

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