Year 1 and 2
Year 1 and 2 class booklet for Spring term 2025:
This booklet contains information about what your child will be learning this term and how you can support their learning at home.
Year 1 and 2 Class Booklet for Autumn Term 2024:
This shows you what your child will be learning this term and how you can help at home.
Week beginning 10th February
This week has been ‘Safety Awareness Week’. The children have been learning how to stay safe in their homes. They have been thinking about possible dangers in different rooms of their house and have created top tips on how to avoid possible hazards. We had a visit from PC Wordworth who talked to the children about his job and how he keeps people safe. He also spoke to the children about how to keep safe online especially when playing online games.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass and Miss Lewis
Week beginning 3rd February
We have had another busy week. The children have been typing up their letters and learning how to edit and make changes. They have learnt how to save their work into a file and retrieve it.
Also this week we have been thinking about our mental health. We have been talking about what we are really good at and what we’d like to learn. The children have all made well-being hands which we will start using next week as part of our five ways to well-being.
We have also started our new topic cycle of activities which the children have really enjoyed. We have been exploring magnets and investigating surfaces for a ramp.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cass & Miss Lewis
Week beginning 27th January
This week the children have been developing their self assessing skills by completing Yellow Box work. The children have tried to improve a section of their writing highlighted in yellow. They have worked hard on extending their sentences and developing their word choices.
They have also created their own target book marks that they can use as reminders on what they need to focus on in class.
This week the children have also been logging onto their hwb account to use the JIT program to develop their typing skills. They have been learning how to use the functions of the keyboard to edit their writing.
Also this week the children have enjoyed using the continuous provision areas for our Celtic topic focus.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Miss Lewis
Week beginning 20th January
The children have worked incredibly hard this week practicing their lines for our St Dwynwen assembly. Myself and Miss Lewis are incredibly proud of all the children. They have been working on their performance skills, using expression and actions. Wow…they were amazing!
Also this week the children have been learning how to write letters. They created a success criteria and a letter plan. The children then used this to write a letter to their grown up for our assembly. We hope that you enjoyed reading them.
In our M & N lessons, Year 2 have been learning how to do vertical addition and Year 1 have been learning to subtract.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass and Miss Lewis
Week beginning 13th January
This week the children started their new topic. Along side the theme Myths and Legends, the children are learning about the Celts. They have enjoyed designing Celtic shields and creating Celtic patterns. The children have been using the easels to paint a range of patterns and experiment with stone art. They have also been researching the Celts so that they are able to write a report about them. Da iawn pawb, you did a great job.
Mrs Cass and Miss Lewis
Week beginning 6th January
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda…Happy New Year. We hope you had a lovely Christmas. Welcome back to the Spring Term.
This week the children have enjoyed sharing their Christmas news and they have all made New Year’s resolutions. Lots of the children have said that they are going to help with jobs at home like making their own bed and setting the table for tea.
The children have completed pupil voice activities based on their new topic Myths and Legends. They have talked about what they already know and what they would like to do as part of their new topic.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Cass and Miss Lewis
Week beginning 16th December
We have had a lovely week filled with Christmas activities. The children have enjoyed making their Christmas cards and calendars. They have also made reindeer food and snowman biscuits to sell at our school’s Christmas fair. This week we also had our Christmas party and had a visit from Santa. Miss Lewis and I wish you all a fabulous Christmas and we will see you in the new year.
Week beginning 9th December
What a wonderful week we’ve had. We are so very proud of all our children who performed on the stage for our school pantomime Cinderella. They were all amazing!
Amongst all of the rehearsals and performances, the children have designed and created their party hats ready for next week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass and Miss Lewis
Week beginning 2nd December
This week the children have been writing their reports about ‘Red Foxes’. We created a success criteria together before using our research to write a report. We needed to include an introduction, headings, paragraphs and pictures. The children worked extremely hard on this and have produced excellent examples of report writing. Da iawn pawb!
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Cass & Miss Lewis
Week beginning 25th November
This week the children have been learning how to log onto HWB and find the Brittanica tool to search for information about Red Foxes. The children have watched clips and have found very interesting facts. The children have also been learning how to write an introduction using notes that we collected as a class. This is our preparation for our report writing next week.
In our M&N lessons we have been learning about place value. The children have been making groups of 10 using straws to create amounts. They have been uploading their work to seesaw and creating text for their pictures. Da iawn pawb.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Miss Lewis
Week beginning 18th November
This week we have had a visitor from Spectrum to talk to the children about equality and emotions. They met Spectrum Ted and completed three activities. The children listened carefully and asked very sensible questions. We talked about how everyone is different but must be treated the same. We also discussed the importance of expressing our emotions and who we can talk to if we need help.
The children have been learning their songs for our Christmas performance and they sound amazing!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Miss Lewis
Week beginning 11th November
The children have had a very busy week. We are learning all about red foxes because one has been spotted at the bottom of our school field. The children have been looking at non- fiction texts to find facts. They have also created fabulous drawings of a red fox.
The children have been working extremely hard in their maths work. We have been using tens and ones to create numbers. Da iawn pawb.
This week in topic we have been making salt and sugar solutions so that we can grow crystals. The children will be observing the changes to the solutions as the liquid evaporates.
They are very excited.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Cass & Miss Lewis
Week beginning 4th November
We hope you had a lovely half term and you enjoyed reading the stories that we posted to you. The children were very excited for you to read them.
This week we have been busy with our topic work. Our focus has been changing materials and bonfire night.
The children have been exploring solids and liquids. They had fun using spaghetti paint brushes to create autumnal pictures. The children have been learning about Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate bonfire night. The children have also been using autumnal objects to create patterns in our pumpkin spiced play dough.
In our reading sessions this week we have been learning about the apostrophe and how it’s used. The children have changed their voices when reading the text whenever they saw an apostrophe.
We hope you have a great weekend,
Mrs Cass and Miss Lewis
Week beginning 20th October
This week the children went on a very exciting journey to the post box to post their ‘Journey’ story to their grown ups. We can’t wait for you to read them.
This week has been work awareness week and we have had lots of visitors talking to the children about their jobs. A big thank you to Mrs Hinks from the Icecream Farm, Bee who is a Wedding and Events Manager and Yasmin who is a police officer. The children took part in lots of interesting tasks.
Wishing you a great half term.
Mrs Cass and Miss Lewis
Week beginning 14th October
This week in our science work we have been thinking about materials that change. The children have investigated which biscuits would last the longest when dunked in milk. Some biscuits were very strong but some broke very quickly! A few of the children were tempted to have a little nibble of the biscuits too!
Also this week the children have started writing their own stories linked to the book ‘Journey’. The children have worked very hard on these and we have been very impressed with them so far.
In our maths work the children have been sorting data and making graphs. They have been using the terms ‘fewest’, ‘most’ and ‘more than’.
In our PE lesson we used lots of the gymnastic equipment to create simple travelling sequences and shapes. The children thoroughly enjoyed the lesson.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Miss Lewis
Week beginning 7th October
Autumn has definitely arrived and all the children enjoyed a lovely Autumnal walk around the school grounds collecting leaves, acorns and any other signs of autumn. We are looking forward to using these next week as part of our topic. In our maths work the children have been learning about data. They have been sorting data into graphs and answering questions about what the graphs show. Da iawn pawb.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Miss Lewis
Week beginning 30th September
What an exciting week it has been. Rhys Darby visited our class to show us his gold and silver medals from the Paralympics. The children asked him lots of questions and we found out that his favourite stroke is butterfly and he goes to the pool to practice at least 9 times in a week.
The children also wanted to know if his gold medal was heavier or lighter than his silver medal. With Rhys’s permission we compared his medals in the balance and found out that the medals were the same mass! A big Diolch to Rhys for taking the time to visit our school and chat with the children.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Miss Lewis
Week beginning 23rd September
We have had a lovely week in class. The children have really enjoyed our class book ‘Journey’ again this week. We have been writing descriptions of the setting and using time connectives to sequence parts of the story. We have also been ordering the alphabet and thinking about capitals and lower case letters.
The children have been working hard on their maths by finding the mass of different objects indoors and outdoors.
In science the children have been on a material hunt and discussing properties of materials.
In our DCF work the children have been thinking about how to keep safe online and what they should and shouldn’t share with other people.
The children have also made a little congratulations card for Rhys Darby who will be visiting our school on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Miss Lewis
Week beginning 16th September
This week I introduced the children to our new text 'The Journey' by Aaron Becker. They enjoyed predicting the story and thinking about what they would like to see behind their very own red door. The children have been so imaginative and came up with wonderful ideas!
We started our topic this week with the Year 3 children. They have thoroughly enjoyed accessing all the areas to complete tasks and challenges linked to our topic. The children have made maps, stained glass windows and have been on a material hunt.
The children were also introduced to mTiny this week as part of our coding focus. They had to help the robot travel around the road by inputting the correct algorithm. Da iawn pawb you were fantastic!
The children were given their spelling books on Friday. Please can you help your child learn them ready for our test next Friday. Diolch.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cass & Miss Lewis
Week beginning 9th September
We have had a very busy week. The children have completed a range of maths tasks focused on ‘Mass’. They have been comparing items to find out which was the heaviest and lightest. They have enjoyed using the balance to sort their items.
This week the children were introduced to a carousel of reading activities. The children have taken part in a guided read, comprehension tasks, phonic work and spellings.
The children have also completed a pupil voice activity with Year 3 as our introduction to our new topic- ‘Here, There and Everywhere’. They used Padlet to create a graffiti board of what they’d like to find out. Da iawn pawb, you were amazing. Fingers crossed we will be able to go on our walk next week to complete our traffic survey…let’s hope the rain stays away.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Miss Lewis
Week beginning 2nd September
We have had a wonderful first week back in Years 1 and 2. The children have all settled back into the school routine and we have completed lots of lovely activities. We have talked about all of our amazing qualities and how special we are. The children have enjoyed using the areas in class and our outdoor area.
Have a great weekend and let’s hope the sun keeps shining.
Mrs Cass & Mrs Lewis
Week beginning 8th July
We are so proud of the children’s performance in their class assembly this week. They were all amazing and so for a little treat afterwards, we had an ice lolly whilst watching ‘Back to the Outback’. This linked very nicely with our class country AUSTRALIA. Year 2 have had a lesson with Miss Butler this week to learn all about Australia and they also completed some lovely work back in class linked to Koalas.
They children have also been working on place value in their maths lessons using the base 10 equipment. We were lucky with the weather on Monday so we managed to have a game of diamond cricket on the field which the children really enjoyed.
This year seems to have flown by and we can’t believe that next week will be our final week with our year 2 class!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 1st July
What another busy week! The children have been working really hard on their assembly. We can’t wait to show you all on Friday. The children have had their last spectrum lesson, which was all about keeping safe. Also this week was our ‘Race for Life’ as well as our summer fair. The children made fantastic posters for our chocolate tombola. We were very lucky with the weather too and I think everyone had a wonderful afternoon.
Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 17th June
We have had a super week with the year 2 children!
A big well done to all the class for participating in our annual sports day. They all tried their best and enjoyed the day even if it was a little chilly.
On Wednesday we took part in the Jambori hosted by Martyn Geraint. The children sang a range of welsh songs, joined in with the dancing and luckily most of us avoided the water pistol!
On Friday, we had a visitor in class to talk about ‘Gender Stereotypes’ which is part of our RSE curriculum. The children listened very carefully and completed three follow up activities. We have two more of these sessions booked over the next coming weeks focussing on ‘Identifying Emotions’ and ‘Safety Zone’.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 10th June
We all had a fabulous time at Blue Planet Aquarium. We had a lesson about ‘What lives in Water’ and we talked about habitats as well as food chains. The most exciting part was the Aqua Theatre Show and the shark tunnels. It was so lovely to see the children’s reactions when the sharks swam past the children and over their heads.
We are extremely proud of all the children as they were excellent listeners and demonstrated lovely manners throughout the trip. Da iawn pawb!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 3rd June
Welcome back to our final term in Year 2. This year has flown by!
We have had a lovely week learning about World Ocean Day. The children have taken part in a virtual lesson and an assembly. They have made posters about how we can reduce plastic waste in our oceans.
Also this week we have been learning to tell the time. We have been looking at half past, quarter past and quarter to on an analogue clock. Da iawn pawb. You’ve worked hard on this!
The children have been learning about rhyming words and have created rhyming strings in their LLC work. This is our build up work for our poetry writing.
Remember we have our trip to Blue Planet Aquarium next Friday. We’re looking forward to this!
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 20th May
We have had a busy week in Blwyddyn dau. The children have been learning to find the capacity of water using measuring jugs. The children then had to order the jugs from smallest to greatest capacity. Also this week the children have had a Don’t Touch Tell workshop to learn about how to keep safe around medicines. They have created posters to show the importance of telling trusted grown ups if they ever find medicines or needles.
In our LLC lessons this week, the children have been reading poems from the book ‘Commotion in the Ocean’. After reading the poem the children have had to work out which sea creature the poem was about. Well done, you were great detectives looking for clues.
We hope you have a lovely half term break,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 6th May
This week we invited very important visitors to school. Members of the RNLI came to talk to the children about how to stay safe near water. We all learned lots about the job of the RNLI and how they volunteer to help others.
They let the children try on safety jackets and a helmet. We were also taught the starfish pose for if we were ever struggling in the water. The children all listened very carefully and answered questions. The RNLI complimented the class and their super behaviour. Da iawn pawb.
We hope you have a lovely weekend in the sunshine.
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 29th April
Another busy week in Blwyddyn 2! For our topic this week the children have been completing challenges in the water area. They had to make a boat out of foil and find out how many pennies it would hold before sinking. The children then had to make a new boat, adapting their original design to see if it could hold more coins than before. For our science investigation the children had to find out ‘Do puddles in the sunshine dry up quicker than puddles in the shade?’ The children enjoyed measuring the puddles and they have used lots of scientific vocabulary.
In our M&N work this week we have moved onto division. We have been sharing items to make groups. They have enjoyed lots of practical tasks to solve the problems. In our digital work we have been learning about branching data bases. The children have discussed animal characteristics then sorted them on Hwb using the ‘Branching Data Base’ program.
We hope you have a lovely bank holiday,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook.
Week beginning 22nd April
Year 2 have had a very busy week. They have been learning all about oceans in our topic work and finding out where they are on the globe. We had a visit from Welsh Water who talked to the children about the water cycle and where our water comes from. They then became engineers and worked as part of a team to connect the pipes to ensure all buildings had water. It was great fun! It was Earth Week this week and the children made little booklets about how they can care for our planet. These will make a beautiful display in our well being area.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass and Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 15th April
This week we started our new topic work on the theme of ‘Splash’. In the creative area, we have been learning about wax resist. The children created wonderful wax resist paintings for our ‘pond life’ display by using wax candles and watercolours. One of our challenges this week was to create a water mosaic. This was one of our pupil voice suggestions!
The children have also been learning about the oceans on our planet. They have learned the names of them and found out which ocean is the biggest.
In our LLC work, the children have been learning about the life cycle of the frog and have been using information books to find out about the different stages.
For our Maths work this week, the children have been writing multiplication stories to describe how many items are in each group.
Da iawn pawb. You have worked very hard.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Year 2 class booklet for Summer term 2024:
This booklet details what children will be learning this term and how parents can support their children's learning at home:
Week beginning 8th April
Welcome back to the summer term. We hope you all had a lovely Easter.
Our new topic for this term is SPLASH and the children have enjoyed making pictures for our new role play area.
They have all created their topic front covers ready for next week and the children are looking forward to accessing the new areas.
In our maths and numeracy work, we have started our multiplication unit. The children have been learning to make groups of the same number and add them.
Da iawn pawb.
We have started our new book this week called ‘Over and Under the Pond’. The children have predicted what might be in the pond and have created beautiful illustrations.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 18th March
Congratulations to all our Year 2 children who took part in their very first ‘Show and Tell’. They were all amazing and we were very proud on how well they performed in front of all the grown ups. Thank you for taking the time to attend the event and support your child on their learning journey. We hope you have a lovely Easter break.
Pasg Hapus
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 11th March
In our LLC lessons the children have been writing their own traditional story based on the book The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs. The children planned their own story and this week they have finished writing it. We are so proud of all the children and their creative writing. The stories are ‘Gwych’ (Magnificent).
Also this week the children have been investigating what plants need to grow healthy. They have selected different places to grow their seeds to find out where they grow best. We wonder what you’ll find out children?
For our PE session this week the children demonstrated fantastic gymnastics skills on the apparatus. They were very excited to use the ropes and climbing wall and they can’t wait until next week!
We hope you have a great weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 4th March
The children had a fabulous day on World Book Day. All the children looked amazing. A big thank you to you all for creating such incredible costumes. The children enjoyed taking part in the book swap and Blwyddyn 4 read stories to them.
The children took part in a variety of book activities including making book marks, writing book reviews and solving word searches. They also had a task to design a front cover for their story which they are writing in their LLC lessons called ‘The True Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. To end the day, Miss Cudworth, our Year 6 teacher read a story to the class.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass and Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 26th February
We have had a very busy week preparing for St David’s Day.
The children have finished designing and making their Love Spoons ready for our eisteddfod today. The children were amazing at performing their rap…they looked super cool in their shades 😎 and caps.
Also this week we have been working very hard on our subtractions in maths. They have been learning how to regroup before solving the sum.
In our LLC work, we have been learning how to use J2write on Hwb to create a description of a setting for our traditional story work. The children have all planned their own traditional tale based on the book “Goldilocks and the three bears”. Da iawn pawb.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 19th February
Welcome back. We hope you had a lovely half term.
The children were so excited to see that their beans had grown and some have started to grow leaves. 🍃
We have been learning a Welsh folk dance this week in preparation for our St David’s Day eisteddfod. The children were amazing and learnt the steps very quickly.
Also this week we have been designing new mosaics and making our own love spoons for the competitions for the eisteddfod.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 5th February
This week we have been looking for plants growing around school and identifying them. We found lots of daffodils sprouting and beautiful crocuses. The children have also been planting bulbs in our outside area so fingers crossed they will grow soon. Our bean plants have also started to grow roots. We were very excited to see them sprouting. I wonder what they will be like after half term?
Also this week the children have enjoyed playing with their puppets in the puppet theatre. They were so excited to take them home to show you.
It is ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’ this week so we listened to a story called The Lion Inside. It’s a gorgeous book about finding your roar. So the children have thought about how they can find their roar by sharing what makes them brave. Da iawn pawb.
We hope you have a lovely half term,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Home learning for 8th February 2024:
Week beginning 29th January
The children have started learning all about plants in our Science and Technology lessons. We’ve looked at seeds and bulbs using magnifying glasses 🔍. It’s amazing to think that a plant can grow from one of these. The children have planted a bean in a bag which has been taped to our window. We are going to keep a close eye on them to see if anything changes.
In topic, we have been applying our writing skills to create instructions for making a puppet. Lots of children are becoming independent writers. We are so very proud! Da iawn pawb.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 22nd January
This week the children have really enjoyed making puppets. During our pupil voice sessions the children suggested we made puppets linked to our traditional stories. The children have worked very hard on their sewing skills and have shown lots of patience too.
Also this week, the children have enjoyed box modelling and painting pictures of Ewloe castle. They have been creating algorithms to direct Bee-Bot to different castles in North Wales.
Da iawn pawb.
Enjoy the weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 15th January
This week the children have been working very hard on their addition skills. They have been learning how to regroup their numbers using vertical addition. They’ve been playing a game called Race to 40 and using these skills to help them with their regrouping.
Also this week the children have been using Google Earth to locate castles in Wales. They have found Ewloe castle, Conwy castle and Flint castle. The children then plotted them onto a map of Wales.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook.
Class booklet for Spring Term 2024:
Week beginning 8th January
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda pawb!
We hope you all had a fabulous Christmas. The children have had a lovely first week back sharing their Christmas news and making New Year resolutions. The children have started making a Perllan which is a Welsh good luck charm for the new year. Da iawn pawb, they are fabulous!
Our new topic for this term is Traditional Tales. The children have enjoyed using the new role play area which is linked to the story Jack and the Beanstalk. We have completed pupil voice activities with Year 3 to develop ideas and interests for the topic.
We have also been detectives during our LLC work to identify features of instructional writing.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 18th December
We have had a fabulous week of Christmas fun! All the children had a great time at our Christmas party. We played musical statues, pass the parcel and even managed a Christmas ‘Just Dance!’
The children enjoyed tucking into their Christmas breakfast before a visit from Santa 🎅.
Mrs Ashbrook and I wish you all a Nadolig Llawen ac Blwyddyn Newydd Dda. 🎉
Week beginning 11th December
We have had a busy week preparing for our Christmas Stalls.
The children have enjoyed making Christmas biscuits, reindeer food and tree decorations.
Da iawn pawb, you’ve all done a great job 🎄🦌🍪
Week beginning 27th November
This week we have started learning about instructions. The children have loved playing in Thomas Farynors bakery so we decided to make 17th century biscuits! The children were listening to the steps very carefully and even washed the dishes. Da iawn pawb.
One of our outdoor challenges this week was to construct a light proof shelter. The children worked well as a team and created a superb shelter by using a range of resources.
During our PE sessions we have been making up dances in response to our topic ‘The Great Fire of London’. They have been focusing on travelling through cobbled, narrow streets and pretending to make bread before turning their fingers into flickering flames.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cass and Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 20th November
This week in our maths and numeracy work we have started our addition work. We have used the method of counting on and using place value charts with our tens and ones equipment.
We have also been ordering numbers outdoors and finishing number sequences.
Blwyddyn 2 went for a lovely walk to ‘Notice’ changes in our outdoors. We noticed it was a lot colder and the trees were really bare. We found lots of crunchy leaves on the grass. During our walk the children took a photograph with their iPad and then worked collaboratively with their learning partner to add a label to their picture. Da iawn pawb. You did a great job 👏.
Week beginning 13th November
This week the children have enjoyed using the new role play areas that link with our topic
‘The Great Fire of London 🔥’. In topic we have been applying our numeracy skills to solve problems about The Great Fire of London. They have been challenging themselves to complete number sequences and create their own. In expressive arts the children have started to create 3D model houses to represent London in 1666.
During our LLC lessons this week we have been reading a book called Molly McDrew and The Great Fire of London. We are using this text to help us prepare for diary writing, just like Samuel Pepys!
It was anti bullying week this week and the children thought about who they could talk to if they ever felt worried or upset. Da iawn pawb, lots of lovely supportive discussions during this task.
Week beginning 6th November
We have had a lovely first week back after half term. The children have been super busy making props and pictures for our new role play areas. We have created a house for Samuel Pepys and the bakery in Pudding Lane. This is all ready for our new topic ‘The Great Fire of London’.
The children have been writing poems about Hydref (Autumn) and shape poems about bonfire night.
We have also been developing our digital skills by completing tasks on Purple Mash about bonfire night and autumn. They have been learning how to add pictures and write sentences.
In our mathematical work we have been learning to order and sequence numbers.
Today the children have had a Remembrance assembly and then completed a range of poppy tasks in class.
We have not sent spellings home this week as the children will be busy completing assessments for the next couple of weeks.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 23rd October
Another busy week in Blwyddyn 2.
In our mathematics and numeracy lessons the children have been learning about place value, ordering numbers and number sequences. We have been learning to use place value charts to sort tens and ones correctly. The children have also been making groups of ten then counting on to find the number.
In our science and technology work the children have been investigating which material will block out the most light to help the rescued bat 🦇 feel happy. They made predictions and planned their investigation carefully before testing the materials. We found out that the black card was the best material because it was opaque and blocked the most light.
In our language, literacy and communication work the children have been applying their report writing skills to write their own reports about a nocturnal animal. Their reports are amazing, da iawn pawb. Along side this the children created sentences in Welsh to describe their chosen nocturnal animal. Bendigedig!
We hope you have a lovely half term.
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 9th October
The children have been working very hard on collecting and sorting data. We voted for our favourite Julia Donaldson book then created a picture graph. We found out that the most popular book is Zog.
The children have also been applying their ICT skills with Bee-Bot. They have been creating algorithms to direct Bee-Bot around the grid to visit all the characters in the story ‘Room on the Broom’. Da iawn pawb!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 2nd October
We had an amazing ‘Owl visit’ this week. All the children learned lots of facts about barn owls and they all managed to have a hold and stroke the owl. The children loved it! Following on from this the children have been using non-fiction books to research barn owls in preparation for their report writing next week.
We also took part in a science live lesson where the children could see pictures of space, galaxies and stars taken from a telescope.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 25th September
This week the children have been learning all about picture graphs. They have been sorting and organising data to find more than and fewer than.
For our science work the children have been trying to identify objects in a dark box and have found out that objects which reflect light are easier for us to see.
In our outdoor area the children decided to challenge themselves and build a lighthouse.
Da iawn pawb, you did a great job.
Have a lovely week,
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 18th September
This week has been coding week. The children have logged onto purple mash and completed their coding activities. They had six challenges to complete. Da iawn pawb you did a great job!
Our class text is The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark. The children have been completing lots of activities to help them recall the story. Some children went onto our outdoor stage and
performed the story using props. They were amazing!
During our topic afternoon, the children have been studying the artist Vincent Van Gogh. They have enjoyed looking at his famous piece ‘Starry night’ which complements our topic of ‘Light and Dark’. The children have used oil pastels to create their own artwork which is on display in our creative area.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Class booklet for the Autumn Term 2023:
This booklet contains information about what your child/ren will be learning and how you can help at home.
Week beginning 11th September
Another busy week in Year 2. The children are enjoying our new science topic Light and Dark. They have been on the hunt around school identifying different sources of light. We didn’t realise there were so many!
In our Expressive Arts session this week the children have been creating a dance linked to the book ‘Room on the Broom’. They were brilliant!
They have been finding out about Julia Donaldson and creating fact files about her. She has so many amazing books so we’ve decided that each morning the children can vote for the book they’d like me to read. 📚
We have been learning all about mass in our maths lessons and the children have loved using the pan balances to find out which item is the heaviest and which is the lightest.
One of our role play areas is a bakery. The children have loved dressing up and serving cakes to each other. Unfortunately the cakes aren’t real so we just have to pretend 🧁😁.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cass and Mrs Ashbrook
Week beginning 4th September
Welcome back. We hope you have had a lovely summer.
All the Year 2 children have had a great first week back, but it’s been a hot one!
They have been really busy completing many tasks and have enjoyed exploring all of the new areas in the classrooms.
This week we have talked about our five ways to well being and how important it is to look after ourselves. We have been learning about ‘The Rights of the Child’ as well as how to keep safe online. We have also been talking about our personal qualities and what makes us special and unique. 💕
On Friday the children took part in a sweep stake in preparation for the rugby World Cup that’s starting this weekend. They were all very excited to pick a country but we all must remember to support Wales 🏴 too 😀. Pob lwc Cymru!
We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday. Don’t forget that Monday is our P.E day so the children can come to school in their PE kits.
Mrs Cass & Mrs Ashbrook
Monday 10th July
Well…what can I say…the children were exceptional in their class assembly on Friday.
I am so very proud of each and everyone of them, especially as this was their very first assembly.
Da iawn pawb! You were brilliant! As a treat, we all came back to class and had an ice lolly whilst watching a movie.
Also this week, the children have been introduced to a new maths programme called Numbots. They have loved playing this and it can be used at home over the summer holidays.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
See you on Monday for our last week in Year 2.
Mrs Cass
Monday 3rd July
The children have worked extremely hard on their assembly this week. We can’t wait to show all the parents next Friday. Thank you for all the gorgeous photographs that you have sent in. I have used them for our assembly.
This week in maths we have focussed on multiplication and division. The children are enjoying the practical tasks of making groups and sharing items. We have found lots of on line games for the children to use which they have enjoyed.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Mrs Cass
Monday 26th June
This week the children enjoyed their trip to Wepre Park. They all had a wonderful time and the highlight was pond dipping with Ranger Mike.
We have also started rehearsing for our Year 2 assembly. Your child will have been given lines to learn. Please can you help them with these, diolch. This week we have also been thinking about how we use kind hands and learning about personal space. The children enjoyed sharing their ideas within our circle time and discussed what is right and wrong.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass
Monday 19th June
Our favourite part of the week was our trip to take part in the Jambori. The children had an amazing time! They used lots of Welsh and joined in with all of the Welsh songs. Da iawn pawb. The children also enjoyed their sports day this week and participating in the race for life. Thank you for all the donations. We also released our butterflies 🦋 into the garden area.
Don’t forget we have our trip to Wepre Park next Wednesday.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cass
Monday 12th June
This week the children have been very busy creating art work in the style of ‘Pop Art’. Their work has been inspired by Andy Warhol. The children used styrofoam and used a printing technique to produce repeating patterns using bright colours. Da iawn pawb. The artwork looks amazing.
We have also been thinking about positional language using Welsh. The children have been describing where Traction Man is, within our classroom.
It has been a very hot week in school, but we have managed to practice for sports day and learn lots of songs for our jambori next week which we are all looking forward to.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Cass
Monday 22nd May
This week in LLC the children have all written their instructions. They have done a great job and included all the features of what makes a good one. We call this a WAGOLL.
The children have also produced an animation using purple mash. The animation shows the children transforming into a super hero. Da iawn pawb!
Our outdoor area is looking gorgeous, the children have planted the donated plants from Asda and the tyres are all painted. Our signs are up and the children are now designing their small world tyres ready for after half term.
The children really enjoyed the disco…I did too especially because we managed to have it outside in the sunshine ☀️.
Have a lovely half term break.
See you all on Tuesday 6th June.
Mrs Cass
Monday 15th May
This week the children instructed me to make a sandwich. They thought carefully about the instruction and used bossy verbs and time connectives. Diolch children, the sandwich was very tasty. Next week the children will be writing their own instructions using our WAGOLL (what a good one looks like).
We have worked on our mental subtraction this week and used the part whole method to think about number bonds. The children have also enjoyed exploring our numicon city and cuisenaire rods. Next week we will be working on multiplication.
Some plants have kindly been donated by Asda for our outdoor classroom. We’re so excited to plant them next week.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Cass
Tuesday 8th May
The children have started their Welsh poetry writing about rubbish. Da iawn pawb they are amazing! They have also been following instructions. Some of the children made masks and some children have been following instructions on how to make a daisy chain.
In mathematics the children have been learning how to use a range of strategies to add numbers mentally and next week we will move onto subtraction.
The children are really enjoying our topic work and have been using force meters to weigh items. They have also created themselves as a superhero and discussed their super talents.
Have a wonderful weekend
See you next week.
Mrs Cass
Tuesday 2nd May
We’ve had another busy week in school.
The children have been writing poems using rhyme and alliteration. They modelled their writing on the poem ‘Rubbish, rubbish everywhere’. Next week the children will have a go at writing Welsh poems.
Our topic started this week and the children have enjoyed visiting the different areas to complete a range of tasks based on superheroes. They have learned about Grace Darling and thought about a super hero in their own life.
We have also started a science investigation to find out which ball is the bounciest. They have made predictions and recorded their findings in a table.
On Friday the children took part in a tutorial on how to draw King Charles 111. They made crowns and thought about what they would do if they were a king or a queen for the day.
Have a lovely long weekend and I will see you on Tuesday.
Mrs Cass
Monday 24th April
Year 2 have been very busy this week with poetry writing. They’ve used alliteration and rhyme to create a poem about ‘Litter’. They have also been working on their producing skills in ICT to create digital work.
The children have created some gorgeous outdoor art for this weeks outdoor learning week.
Da iawn pawb!
Enjoy your bank holiday weekend,
Mrs Cass
Class booklet for Year 2 summer term 2023:
Monday 17th April
We hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
Our new topic is Tomorrow’s World and our focus in KS1 is about looking after our planet and superheroes.
We have been very busy with our pupil voice activities. We have worked with a friend to talk about what we already know and what we’d like to know. We then use the children’s ideas to enhance our planning on the topic.
The children are looking forward to starting their activities next week.
If anybody has any spare superhero costumes that they wouldn’t mind donating, that would be very much appreciated. Diolch.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Cass
Monday 27th March
Another busy week in Year 2!
The children have written their stories based on the book ‘The Great Big Enormous Turnip’. They have all done a fantastic job and have worked very hard on them. They have also created a new front cover for their story.
For our digit work this week the children have logged onto their Hwb accounts and have used J2write to produce text and images for their stories.
The children have also made Easter cards and pop up books all about the Easter story.
Our junior Criw members led a Welsh lunchtime club for some of our Year 2 children this week. They made fortune tellers to help them learn colours and numbers. Da iawn pawb!
We hope you all have a lovely Easter. Thank you for your continued support.
Pasg Hapus 🐣
Mrs Cass & Mrs Asbrook
Week beginning 20th March
After our Celtic workshop on Monday, the children created recounts. They spent some time with their learning partners, sharing their favourite Celtic experiences. The children then worked independently to write their own recount. They did an amazing job! We even had a go at editing our work to improve and extend our sentences. We've called this 'Yellow boxed work'.
During our mathematics this week, we have continued to work on our subtraction skills by regrouping. Lots of practical activities have taken place in and outside of the classroom. They have enjoyed playing a game called 'Race to 0'. They might like to play this at home with you.
Our book focus has been based on the story 'The Great Big Enormous Turnip' and the children have planted some vegetable seeds. They will be bringing them home to look after and hopefully grow as big and enormous as the turnip in the story...good luck!!
Monday 20th March
Today the children had a fantastic time in our Celtic Workshop. They all dressed up as Celts, looked at the Celtic artefacts and had their faces painted with blue paint to make them look like fearsome warriors!