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Penarlag C.P. School

Penarlag C.P. School

Working together, learning for life and striving for excellence. Gweithio gyda’n gilydd, dysgu gydol oes ac ymdrechu am ragoriaeth.

After school clubs

Coding club May/June 2024

11th June: using the microbits

Lego League Club 21/05/2024

Today was the last session of the after school club. The children were given the task to design and build anything that they wanted and to then present it to the rest of the group. The points will be calculated and the winner will be announced in Celebration Assembly on Friday. A huge well done to the children who participated. You've worked really hard through the weekly challenges! Da iawn, Mrs Davies 😊

Lego league club 14.5.24 Todays session focused on the stability of bridges built from last week. We used weights ranging from 10g to 1kg and looked at the supporting part of a bridge. Children have also started their final challenge which is to creatively design and build a structure of their own choice to present next week to the group.

Lego League After School Club 7th May 2024

Today's challenge is to build a bridge which holds weights for over 20 seconds. The club have been researching bridges around the world, thinking about structural engineering. We have put our lego skills to the test to build a successful bridge which holds as much weight as possible. The more weight = more points!! Next week we will be testing them.

Mrs Davies

Lego League Club 30th April 2024


This week the children had a boat challenge to complete. They had to build a lego boat which would float. Addition points were added for the extra cargo/loot it would carry without sinking. Well done to the winning team! 

Well being club April 2024 led by Miss Cudworth and Mrs Stubbs:

23rd April- Outside games. Chicken and hero, sardine hide and seek, duck duck goose and infection tag.

Lego League After School Club 23.4.24


This week the children had a challenge to build a Lego vehicle that could travel the furthest down a ramp. They started with the building phase, then proceeded to test runs and adaptations to their vehicles. We then went outdoors to complete the final test with it being Outdoor Learning Week. Each group was scored according to creativity of design, distance travelled and stability. The winners will be announced in next weeks club and points given accordingly to each group.

April 2024 Lego League after school club led by Mrs Davies

16th April 2024:

Today was the first Lego League after school club for Years 4,5 and 6. They completed four different challenges including a blindfold build!


April 2024 Music club led by Mrs Cass

April 2024 Lego Club for Years 2 and 3 led by Miss Vaughan




Today we all joined together for the second session of our Lego club. Last week we all talked about what things we would like to build. The children wanted to learn how to make things like cars, hearts and even Sonic the hedgehog. Today Miss Vaughan played a video showing everyone how to make a car. After this children chose whether to make their own car or follow their own ideas. We had lots of fantastic ideas. Sienna made a house, Noah made a bridge, Callum and Tobias made a crane, Eva and Isla made a red rose and Ralph and George worked together to make a car. Well done everyone. 


Gardening club, starting 29th April led by Miss Hood and Mrs Ketland


Penarlag C.P School

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