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Penarlag C.P. School

Penarlag C.P. School

Working together, learning for life and striving for excellence. Gweithio gyda’n gilydd, dysgu gydol oes ac ymdrechu am ragoriaeth.

Special events

School council meeting 14th February 2025:

Our school council met and decided they would like to collect items for a food bank. They have created posters to display around school. The children are asking for donations by Friday 7th March.

Year 6 forest school session 14th February 2025:

The Year 6's played games and learnt new games too.

They also collected wood, lit a fire, toasted marshmallows to make smores and had hot chocolate to drink.

Their final activity during their forest school session was to make a camouflage hat!

Year 5 show and tell for parents 14th February 2025:

Year 5 presented all their hard work to their adults and explained what they had been learning and how they have been learning through our topic. We served gruel and teas and coffees before finishing with our song performance of food glorious food.

Spectrum relationship lessons during our Safety Awareness Week , week beginning 10th February 2025:

Ms Davies from Spectrum led lessons with Years 3 to 6. Years 3 and 4 had lessons about family relationships, healthy and unhealthy relationships and safe adults, safe places.

Years 5 and 6 had lessons about healthy relationships, chance or choice  and safety zone.

Our Safety Awareness Week, week beginning 10th February 2025

During this week each class will be focussing an area of safety:

Early Years - road safety

Years 1,2 and 3 - safety in the home

Year 4 - water safety

Year 5 - first aid

Year 6- first aid and substance misuse

During our Safety Awareness week Early Years learnt about road safety. The children discussed how to cross the road safely. They know to ALWAYS cross the road with an adult and to STOP LOOK LISTEN THINK!

During our Safety Awareness week Years 1 to 3 have been learning how to keep safe in their home. They have been thinking all about the different rooms in their homes and potential dangers. The children have created top tips for each room. Da iawn pawb

This week is our Safety Awareness week and Year 4 have been learning about water safety. They have been acting out using different items to try and save their friend after they had fallen into the water. Items such as water bottles, scarves and footballs and also life rings.

This week is our Safety Awareness week and Year 5 and 6 have been learning first aid. They completed CPR and defibrillator training, a big thank you to Sam from St John's Ambulance for delivering our training.

During our Safety Awareness week Miss Griffiths from Spectrum came in to teach Year 6 about Healthy Relationships. Sam Owen from St. John's came in to talk about First Aid and CPR. We also thought about Substance Misuse and discussed top tips and how to make healthy choices.

Safer Internet Day Tuesday 11th February 2025:

All children will complete a lesson about staying safe online.

For safer internet day Reception read a story about Buddy the dog who helped his owner Ben stay safe online using a special song. Then we looked at what is okay to share and what is not okay to share online having lots of talking time together about who and what is safe online.

On Safer Internet Day Blwyddyn un a dau were visited by PC Woodworth who talked to the children about how to stay safe online. The children then created posters about keeping safe whilst using the internet.

For Safer Internet Day Year 3 logged onto their Hwb account and made a safety on the internet poster. Da iawn pawb!

On Safer Internet Day, Year 4 took part in the BBC Teach live lesson helping to spot scams. The children then used an email simulation tool on Purple Mash where they demonstrated that recognising scams meant they should not respond!

For Safer Internet day and Blwyddyn 5 joined in with the BBC live lesson where they became aware of online scammers and phishing. 


On Safer Internet Day Yr 6 discussed how to stay safe online. They learned how to spot possible scams. These are really important, not just for children but for adults too. Ask the children to give you the top tips for spotting scams. They also took part in the BBC Live Lesson. They also discussed the PEGI ratings on games and the age ratings for apps and website.

After school cookery club, making sandwiches and writing their recipe book 10th February 2025:

Open the Book Assembly 10th February 2025:

Thank you to Open the Book who led collective worship today continuing telling the story of Moses.

Year 5 live online STEM lesson 10th February 2025:

This afternoon Blwyddyn 5 took part in a STEM live lesson with an engineer from 'Automate Best' where they thought about developing an innovative and environmentally friendly factory of the future. They were able to achieve 100% net zero, da iawn pawb!

Year 5 trip to Gladstone Library, Hawarden linked to their topic, Victorians. February 2025:

Year 6 Forest School session Friday 7th February 2025:

Year 6 enjoyed their Forest School session on Friday. They played games and learnt some new games too.

Year 6 learnt how to safely light a fire, safety procedures and what a fire needs to burn.

Year 6 toasted marshmallows to make smores and had hot chocolate.

Children's Mental Health Week, week beginning 3rd February 2025:

For Children's Mental Health Week Early Years talked about what makes them special.

For Children's Mental Health Week Years 1 and 2 talked about what they are good at and what they would like to be able to do, linked to theme 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'. They also talked about the Five ways to Well Being.

For Children's Mental Health Week, Year 3 talked about what makes them special and completed activities for the Five Ways to Well Being: Give, Notice, Connect, Keep Learning, Be Active:

For Children's Mental Health Week Year 4 thought about their beliefs and values, strengths and talents, what they would like to improve or learn and goals they wanted to achieve. They created a tree painting to record this.

For Children's Mental Health Week Year 5 and 6 have completed work with the main question: what makes me, me? What makes you, you? They focused really hard to think deeply about their personality and the islands that make up their personalities linked to the film Inside Out.

Cookery club Spring 2025:

The children attending this after school club have been making:

fruit smoothies


fruit kebabs


chocolate rice crispy cakes.

January 2025 onwards. Year 5 missions:

Year 5 pupils are developing their independent learning and using their key skills by completing missions.

February 2025. Years 1 to 3 independent learning:

Years 1 to 3 have been working independently during their topic afternoons, based around their topic 'Myths and Legends'.

3rd February 2025 Criw Garedig led assembly:

Thank you to our Criw Garedig ( Kindness Crew) who led an assembly all about smiling and passing the smile to someone else.

January 24th Year 1 and 2 class assembly:

On 24th January Year 1 and 2 held their assembly for their parents. The theme was love and they told the story of Saint Dwynwen.

Year 6 starting Forest School sessions on 16th January 2025:

The first group of Year 6 started their Forest School sessions today. First they learnt about fire lighting:

They learnt lots of new games and some children did roly polys down the hill!

One of the games they really enjoyed was 'Scatter'. They have to hide and adults have to spot them, without moving around. Can you spot the child in this photo?

The year 6 pupils learnt how to make smores by toasting marshmallows  and they also had hot chocolate to drink.

Monday 13th January 2025, Open the Book collective worship:

Thank you to 'Open the Book' who led our collective worship  telling the story of Moses. Thank you also to the Year 6 pupils who were played parts in the assembly.

Friday 10th January 2025 , Year 4's final Forest School session:

Last Friday was Year 4's last Forest School session and four parents also attended. The children taught our visitors all about fire lighting, played games in the snow and made ice frisbees. 

And of course they made smores and had hot chocolate around the campfire!

Thursday 9th January 2025, Year 4 Forest School session:

This was Year 4's penultimate Forest School Session. It was very cold and they all wrapped up wearing lots of layers. They discussed how to light a fire, played games in the snow and made smores over the campfire. Lots of fun was had by everyone!

20th December 2024 

Final day before Christmas and a party lunch:

19th December 2024 Our Christmas stalls:

This afternoon we held our Christmas stalls and what a fantastic afternoon we have had!

Thank you to all our pupils and staff for their hard work preparing for our Christmas stalls and for all the parents and families that came along. Diolch!

19th December 2024 Open the Book assembly:

Thank you to Open the Book for leading assembly today, telling the Christmas Story.

18th December 2024. Progression Step 3 ( Years 4 to 6) Christmas party:

17th December 2024 Year 6 carol singing to members of the community at Highway Methodist Church:

Week beginning 16th December 2024:

It's our last week in school and all the children are busy making Christmas cards and calendars to go home and also making things to sell at our Christmas stalls on Thursday afternoon!

Tuesday 17th December 2024:

Progression Step 1 and 2 Christmas party:

12th December 2024. Christmas dinner in school:

Early Years Nativity 10th December 2024:

Technocamp workshop with Year 5 9th December 2024:

Techno camp came into year 5 and did pixel art to create a sprite of their own. The children then coded a game of their own.

Years 1 to 6 school pantomime, Cinderella. 9th to 11th December 2024:

Thursday 5th December 2024:

FOP'S disco:

Teams4U shoe boxes:

Thank you to everyone who gave donations. We filled 13 shoe boxes for Teams4U:

Whole school trip to Wrexham to watch a pantomime. Thursday 5th December:

Progression Step 3 ( Years 4 to 6) Carol service in Highway Methodist Church Tuesday 3rd December 2024:

Year 4 Forest School session Friday 29th November:

Our Year 4's had their last Forest School session for this term . They will carry on in the New Year. They had a fire, made smores, played games and filled up our bug hotels. And of course, lots of smiles and laughter!