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Penarlag C.P. School

Penarlag C.P. School

Working together, learning for life and striving for excellence. Gweithio gyda’n gilydd, dysgu gydol oes ac ymdrechu am ragoriaeth.

Special events

13th July 2024 attending Hawarden Carnival:

We had a great time seeing lots of pupils and ex pupils and really enjoyed being involved in this fantastic community event.

12th July 2024. Year 6 forest school session:

12th July Year 2 class assembly:

11th July 2024 Reception and Year 1 class assembly:

10th July Year 4 class assembly about the Amazon Rainforest:

10th July 2024. Year 5 trip to Xplore:

5th July 2024. Our summer fair:

4th July 2024 Year 5 show and tell for parents:

Race for Life July 2024:

Each year, all classes complete the Race for Life to raise money for Cancer Research UK:

Nursery pupils staying for lunch 28th June 2024:

In preparation for September our Nursery children and their parents were invited to stay for a school dinner. Those who stayed had a lovely lunch and were very excited to be staying in school for lunch!

Friday 5th July 1-4pm Summer Fair:

Everyone in the community is welcome to attend. See the posters below for further details:

Can cook -well fed shop every week at school:

The shop will be in the school car park 3-4pm every Thursday for everyone in the community to be able to use.

International Delegation from China 24th June 2024:

Mrs Davies and Year 5  hosted an international delegation from China who were studying Science and Technology.

Sports Day 18th June 2024:

What a fantastic Sport Day we have had today. Thank you and well done to all the pupils, staff and parents/ families for making it a great day. Special thanks to the parents who took part in the parent race!

Thank you to FOP's (Friend's of Penarlag) for organising the refreshments and raffle. They made £250!

Year 3 show and tell for their parents Thursday 13th June:

Thank you to Miss Vaughan for organising the Year 3 show and tell for parents. The children really enjoyed showing their work to their parents. Also good luck to Miss Vaughan as she has now started her maternity leave!

Year 2 attended a virtual assembly for World Ocean Day 7th June 2024:

Year 2 attended a virtual assembly for World Ocean Day, linked to their topic 'Splash'.  They learnt how to be a a Good Blue Human and how to care for our planet. 

3rd June Year 5 Flight of the Quail Egg:

Today Blwyddyn 5 completed the flight of the quail egg challenge. Well done to Team RAF whose plane flew an average of 9.2m with the egg intact inside the aircraft. Well done everybody!

23rd May 2024. Our music evening:

All the children who performed were fantastic. Thank you to Mrs Cass for organising the evening.

22nd May 2024. Science training for our teachers:

Thank you to Mrs Davies and Miss Walford who led our teacher training twilight this evening all about teaching science and technology. It was fantastic!

22nd May 2024. Don't Touch Tell workshops for all classes:

In the infants workshop , the children learnt about how to keep safe if they ever find any medicines or needles.

May 21st May 2024. Urenco workshop with Year 5:

Urenco came to lead a workshop with Yr 5 today all about materials. They completed mini investigations to find out how uranium is separated before it can be sent on to be used at a nuclear power station.

20th  May 2024. Open the Book collective worship:

Thank you to Open the Book that came to lead our collective worship. The children really enjoyed it! They heard the story of Joseph and his brothers.

May 9th 2024. Science, Technology, English and Maths workshop at Hawarden High School:

A group of Year 5 pupils went up to Hawarden High School to take part in a STEM Formula One Workshop. They built their own vehicles thinking about aerodynamics and raced them. Da iawn pawb!

May 7th 2024. The RNLI came to visit Year 2 and 3:

Today the RNLI visited year 2 and Year 3 who talked to the children about how to keep safe in or near the water. The children learnt about the role of RNLI and they really enjoyed trying on the life jackets and helmet as well as practicing the starfish shape to use in the water.

May 7th 2024. Year 5 starting their Flight of the Quail Egg project:

Today Blwyddyn 5 began building their planes to take part in 'The Flight of the Quail Egg Challenge.' They have been thinking about aerodynamics and craftsmanship.

24th April Year 3 attending First Experiences Musical Extravaganza:

Year 3 had a fantastic time visiting William Aston Hall to play the recorder as part of the First Experience Musical Extravaganza.

26th April 2024 Welsh Water workshop with Years 2 and 3:

Yesterday Welsh Water visited Yr 2 and 3. The children learnt all about the water cycle and where water comes from. They had to be engineers and work as a team to connect all the buildings in the village to the water source using pipes and connectors. The children loved it.

25th April , our Criw Cymraeg led assembly:

Da iawn to our Criw Cymraeg who led assembly this morning. They introduced Welsh speaker of the week for each class. The Criw chose someone from their class who has used the most Welsh inside and outside the classroom. Here are our ' Welsh speakers of the week'. Da iawn pawb!

Year 2 learning about Earth Day, 25th April 2024:

Year 2 have been learning about Earth Day. They watched some incredible animals on Planet Earth. Then they talked about how they can look after our planet Earth and made Earth Day promises. Da iawn Blwyddyn 2!

Nursery have had an outdoor health and well being lesson too. They did worm charming and created flower potions and also water play. Sounds lots of fun! 25th April 2024:

Wales Outdoor Learning Week, Reception and Year 1:

Reception and Year 1 have also been learning outdoors this week. They had a health and well being lesson and made sensory potions in the mud kitchen, created tree bark art and took care of their bug hotel.

Year 5 litter picking and gardening during Wales Outdoor Learning Week, week beginning 22nd April:

Year 6 caring for our school during Wales Outdoor Learning Week, 24th April 2024:

As part of Wales Outdoor Learning Week  Year 6 children were caring for our school by weeding the flowerbeds. Da iawn Blwyddyn 6 !

Year 4 and 5 working collaboratively during Wales Outdoor Learning Week, 24th April 2024:

Year 4 and 5 and worked collaboratively using Micro:bits. They learnt basic functions to begin then programmed the micro:bit to act as pedometer. They were then asked 'Do children with the longest legs walk the fewest steps around the football field?'

Year 6's outdoor lesson during Wales Outdoor Learning Week, 23rd April 2024:

Year 6 during their expressive arts and well being lesson used instruments to create the sounds of nature.

Year 4 measuring natural objects outdoors for Wales Outdoor Learning Week, April 2024:

Week beginning 22nd April is Wales Outdoor Learning Week

Here are details of how being outdoors can be so beneficial:

17th April 2024 Mewn Cymeriad:


Today Mewn Cymeriad came into school to perform Hanes Yr Iaith to Blwyddyn 5 and 6 where the learnt all about the history of the Welsh language.

Year 5 Microbits lesson 15th April 2024:

Today Blwyddyn 5 used Microbits to build algorithms and code. They coded a Step Counter to discover if the person in the class with the longest legs walked the fewest steps around the field. Da iawn pawb!

Year 5 and 6 Junior Airbus session 9th April 2024:

Today Blwyddyn 5 and 6 completed their 4th STEM Junior Airbus session 'Moon Lander Workshop'. The challenge was to design and build a spacecraft which could contain 2 astronauts and have a soft landing. Da iawn everyone!

Year 4 show and tell session for their parents 21st March 2024:

Da iawn to Year 4 for their brilliant show and tell session for parents yesterday. They had activities for their parents to complete, and performed a poem and short play.

Year 3 class assembly 20th March 2024:

Da iawn to our Year 3 class for their fantastic assembly for their parents. And a big thank you to Miss Vaughan and Mrs Gray for helping them get ready for their assembly.

March 2024

This is a new section of our website to share all the special events that we take part in. We hope you enjoy reading about all the exciting events we take part in and seeing photographs of these events too.

March  15th Year 6 show and tell session for parents:

On Friday Year 6 led their show and tell session for their parents, showing them work they have completed in school. This included making mini volcanoes! Thanks to all the parents who attended, a great time was had by all!

March 14th 2024 Our fundraising day for Comic Relief

Children and staff wore red or their pyjamas to school to raise money for Comic Relief.

March 13th 2024. Year 1 taking part in an NFUeducation live lesson:

Yr 1 have taken part in a live @NFUeducation lesson. They learnt how Farmer Fiona feeds her animals, what she does when her tractor breaks down and how she plants the barley seeds. They took part in the live quiz and posted questions. They all got a certificate for taking part.


Penarlag C.P School

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